Industry 4.0 technologies, sustainable operations practices and their impacts on sustainable performance


Using a natural resource-based view and technology-organization-environment framework as the theoretical focus, this paper develops and tests a research model in which sustainable operations practices mediate the impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable performance. The model also tests sustainable operations practices as a moderator of the effect of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable performance. Data obtained from 302 participants in Turkey’s technology development regions were utilized to gauge the aforesaid linkages via partial least squares structural equation modeling. As predicted, sustainable operations practices mediate the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable performance. Contrary to the study prediction, sustainable operations practices do not significantly moderate the impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed and future research directions are offered.


Published by Journal of Cleaner Production,, Oguzhan Yavuz, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, Turkey, M. Mithat Uner, School of Business, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, Fevzi Okumus, Rosen College of Hospitality Management University of Central Florida 9907 Universal Boulevard, Orlando, FL, 32819, USA, Department of Business, WSB University, Wrocław, Poland, Osman M. Karatepe, Faculty of Tourism, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, TRNC, Via Mersin 10, 99628, Turkey, Faculty of Finance and Management in Wrocław, WSB University in Wrocław, Wroclaw, Poland, Department of Global Business, School of Global Eminence, Kyung Hee University, 26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02447, Republic of Korea.


Industry 4.0 technologies, Natural resource-based view, Sustainable operations practices, Sustainable performance, Technology-organization-environment framework

