Experimental and numerical analysis of a helically-coiled solar water collector at various angular placements


Solar water collectors are widely utilized for providing hot water to be used in different applications. In this work, a solar water collector with a helically coiled absorber has been designed, fabricated, and examined at different test conditions to specify its overall performance. One of the major goals of using a tube-type absorber is to upgrade the thermal efficiency of the collector by providing a perpendicular angle between the absorber and incident solar rays. Also, using a helically-coiled structure make it possible to increase the absorber surface in a relatively small volume in comparison to conventional solar water collectors. In the first step of this research, the designed helically-coiled solar collector has been simulated using a solar radiation model. In the next step, the manufactured helically-coiled solar collector has been experimentally tested at three different inclination angles and various water flow rates. According to the experimental results, mean thermal efficiencies of horizontal, vertical, and angular helically-coiled collectors were obtained in the ranges of 29.48–48.23%, 27.17–47.03%, and 32.50–52.71%, respectively. In addition, sustainability index values for horizontal, vertical and angular helically-coiled collectors were achieved between the ranges of 1.0041–1.0091, 1.0039–1.0087, and 1.0043–1.0102, respectively. Moreover, the maximum deviation between numerical and experimental findings was calculated as 14%.


Published by International Journal of Thermal Sciences,, Halil İbrahim Variyenli, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, Ali Amini, Department of Automotive Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, Azim Doğuş Tuncer, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Burdur, Turkey, Ataollah Khanlari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarsus University, Tarsus, Mersin, Turkey, Şahin Kolay, Natural and Applied Science Institute, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.


Solar water collector, Helically-coiled, Angular placement, Solar radiation model
