Bifunctional Praseodymium-doped SnS2 thin films for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications

dc.contributor.authorEch-Chergui, Abdelkader Nebatti
dc.contributor.authorBennabi, Farid
dc.contributor.authorIşık, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorKhane, Yasmina
dc.contributor.authorGarcía, Francisco José García
dc.contributor.authorKadari, Ali Sadek
dc.contributor.authorGuezzoul, M'hamed
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Ashmalina
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Mohammad Mansoob
dc.contributor.authorMehdi, Adjdir
dc.contributor.authorDriss-Khodja, Kouider
dc.contributor.authorAmrani, Bouhalouane
dc.descriptionPublished by Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects;; Abdelkader Nebatti Ech-Chergui, Farid Bennabi, Laboratory of Applied Hydrology and Environment, University Belhadj Bouchaib, Ain Temouchent, Algeria; Mehmet Isik, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Atilim University, 06836 Ankara, Turkey; Yasmina Khane, Faculty of science and technology, University of Ghardaia, BP455, 47000, Ghardaia, Algeria; Francisco José García García, Dpto. Ingeniería y Ciencia de los Materiales y del Transporte, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla, Camino de los Descubrimientos, 41092 Seville, Spain; M'hamed Guezzoul, Laboratory of materials (LABMAT), National Polytechnique School (ENP) of Oran, BP1523 Oran Mnaouar, Oran, Algeria; Ali Sadek Kadari, Kouider Driss-Khodja, Bouhalouane Amrani, Laboratory of Theory and Simulation of Materials, Faculty of Exact and Applied Sciences, University of Oran1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Oran, Algeria; Ashmalina Rahman, Mohammad Mansoob Khan Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong, BE 1410, Brunei Darussalam; Adjdir Mehdi, Applied Organic Synthesis Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Oran, BP 1524, El Menaouar Oran, 31000, Algeria.
dc.description.abstractThis paper introduces a novel application of bifunctional Pr-doped SnS2 thin films, demonstrating their efficacy in both photocatalytic degradation of dye and antibacterial activities. The thin films were fabricated using an eco-friendly spray-coated method, encompassing undoped and Pr-doped SnS2 variations. The study comprehensively examines the structural, morphological, chemical, photocatalytic, and antibacterial characteristics of these films. The crystal structure of both undoped and Pr-doped SnS2 thin films exhibited hexagonal patterns, prominently favouring the growth in (1 0 1) orientation. Notably, an increase in crystallite size was observed with higher levels of Pr-doping. Raman spectroscopy analysis highlighted a distinct peak at 315 cm−1, corresponding to the A1g vibrational mode associated with Sn-S bonds along the c-axis of the structure. Employing X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), the presence of essential components – Sn, S, and Pr – within the fabricated thin films was confirmed, consistent with experimental values of undoped and Pr-doped SnS2-x compositions. Importantly, the XPS analysis confirmed the integration of the Pr3+ oxidation state within Pr-doped SnS2 films. The photocatalytic degradation and antibacterial activities of the films were investigated. Notably, the photocatalytic potential of the synthesized materials against Congo Red exhibited a direct correlation with the Pr3+ doping percentage, indicating enhanced pollutant degradation with increasing doping levels. Similarly, the antibacterial performance against Escherichia coli displayed improvement with increasing Pr-doping content, highlighting the promising antimicrobial capabilities of the films. This study presents an innovative avenue to address both organic pollutant degradation and microbial control. By harnessing the attributes of Pr-doped SnS2 thin films, this research introduces a promising strategy for sustainable material applications in environmental purification and improvement in public health.
dc.publisherColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
dc.subjectTin sulfide; SnS2; Pr-doped SnS2; Photocatalysis; Photocatalysts; Antibacterial studies
dc.titleBifunctional Praseodymium-doped SnS2 thin films for photocatalytic and antibacterial applications


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