A Hybrid-Flipped Classroom Approach: Students’ Perception and Performance Assessment

dc.contributor.authorYalçınkaya Gökdoğan, Bengisu
dc.contributor.authorÇoruk, Remziye Büşra
dc.contributor.authorBenzaghta, Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorKara, Ali
dc.descriptionOpen Access; Published by Ingeniería e Investigación; ; Bengisu Yalcinkaya Gokdogan, Electrical and Electronics engineer, Atilim University, Turkey. PhD candidate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Atilim University, Turkey. Affiliation: Research/Teaching Assistant, Atilim University, Turkey. ORCID: 0000-0003-3644-0692; Remziye Busra Coruk, Electrical and Electronics engineer, Atilim University, Turkey. PhD candidate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Atilim University, Turkey. Affiliation: Research/Teaching Assistant, Atilim University, Turkey. ORCID: 0000-0002-9466-3862; Mohamed Benzaghta, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. PhD candidate in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. Affiliation: Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. ORCID: 0000-0002-9927-1649; Ali Kara, Electrical and Electronics engineer, Erciyes University, Turkey. PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Affiliation: Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. ORCID: 0000-0002-9739-7619.
dc.description.abstractThis study presents an improved hybrid-flipped classroom (hybrid-FC) education method based on technology-enhanced learning (TEL) along with diluted classes for a course on probability and random processes in engineering. The proposed system was implemented with the participation of two student groups who alternated weekly between attending face-to-face activities and fully online classes as a sanitary measure during the pandemic. The education model was combined with the flipped classroom (FC) approach in order to improve the quality of learning and address the negative effects of remote education. Before the lessons, the students studied the course material, filled a question form, and then took a low-stake online quiz. Then, the students attended a session where the questions reported in the forms were discussed, and they took an online problem-solving session followed by an individual quiz. Class sessions were available to both online and face-to-face students, as well as in the form of video recordings for anyone who missed lessons. Qualitatively and quantitatively, the proposed education method proved to be more effective and comprehensive than conventional online methodologies. The students' performances were evaluated via quizzes and exams measuring the achievement of the course learning outcomes (CLOs). Weekly pre/post-tests were applied to examine the students’ progress in each topic. Midterm and final exams were planned to measure the level of success for all course topics. Additionally, the students' perception was assessed with questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. A performance assessment showed an apparent increase in the success rate, and the students' perception was found to be positive. Este estudio presenta un método educativo mejorado de aula invertida híbrida (hybrid-FC) basado en el aprendizaje mejorado por tecnología (TEL) junto con clases diluidas para un curso sobre probabilidad y procesos aleatorios. El sistema propuesto se implementó con la participación de dos grupos de estudiantes que alternaban semanalmente entre asistir a actividades presenciales y totalmente en línea como una medida sanitaria durante la pandemia. El modelo educativo se combinó con el enfoque de aula invertida (FC) para mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje y hacer frente a los efectos negativos de la educación a distancia. Antes de asistir a clase, los estudiantes estudiaban el material del curso, completaban un formulario de preguntas y luego tomaban un quiz en línea de bajo impacto. Luego, los estudiantes asistían a una sesión en la que se discutían las respuestas en los formularios, y tomaban una sesión en línea de resolución de problemas, seguida de un cuestionario individual. Las clases estaban disponibles tanto para los estudiantes en línea como para aquellos que asistían de forma presencial; también había grabaciones de video para quien faltara a clases. Cualitativa y cuantitativamente, el método educativo propuesto demostró ser más efectivo y completo que los métodos online convencionales. El desempeño de los estudiantes se evaluó mediante cuestionarios y exámenes que medían el logro de los resultados de aprendizaje del curso (CLO). Se realizaron exámenes previos y posteriores semanales para examinar el progreso de los estudiantes en cada tema. Se planificaron exámenes parciales y finales para medir el nivel de éxito de todos los temas del curso. Además, la percepción de los estudiantes se evaluó con cuestionarios y entrevistas presenciales. La evaluación del desempeño mostró un aumento aparente en la tasa de éxito, y se encontró que la opinión de los estudiantes era positiva.
dc.publisherIngeniería e Investigación
dc.relation.ispartofseries43; 3
dc.subjectEngineering education, flipped classroom, hybrid education, probability and random processes, statistical analysis
dc.titleA Hybrid-Flipped Classroom Approach: Students’ Perception and Performance Assessment
dc.title.alternativeUn enfoque de aula invertida híbrida: evaluación de la opinión y el rendimiento de los estudiantes


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