Pfeıffer Taş, ŞuleTENGİLİMOĞLU, DilaverKAZANCIOĞLU, Elif2022-02-222022-02-222022-02-22 Located in Eminönü Inns (Han) District, Gulbenkian Han is one of the utmost leading office buildings, built in Western architecture. Architect Hovsep Aznavur by the order of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian builds the Han in the late 19th century period. Gulbenkian Han is located on Arpacılar Street in Eminönü’s Hobyar District. Built in the late 19th century period in Art Nouveau style, the building serves as an office building. Hence, the spatial analysis of Gulbenkian Han, built in the period of westernization in Istanbul in the late 19th century period, constitutes the subject of this thesis. Since the Han is located in Istanbul, the physical and social conditions of Istanbul in the period of westernization are analyzed together with the history of trade inns in the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s. In terms of conceptual framework, the Eminönü’s characteristics as being the trade center since the Byzantine period until the Ottoman period as well as the region’s development are explained. In addition, the general qualities of Gulbenkian Han, the building’s architectural features, and evaluations are presented together. Han today serves as a hotel, while the ground floor is used by an Italian Restaurant. In this context, the analysis of space together with the adaptive reuse process of the inn constitutes the subject of this thesis.ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to determine the direction of PTT image in the target society (goog or bad), and to evaluate the opinions of the society about the corporate by determining the factors that constitute the perception of the corporate image.The field survey was conducted in Ankara.Province in november,2018.The survey has been applied by face to face,by telephone and e-mail on 450 participants selected using the easy sampling method.429 questionnaires have been analyzed after the survey.This study examined the identification of the corporate identity of the PTT as well as the differences between the corporate image sub-identitics of the respondents and the demographic characteristic of PTT images.According to the research other important results,the image of PTT in society and whether the image of corporate differs through the demographic characteristics have been examined.According to the research results,it has been seen tahat the corporate image of PTT is perceived as ‘’good’’ by the society.In addition,it has also been revealed that the reason why the participants prefer the corporate is tahat the PTT is a reliable institution and that the products and services affered by the participants are low wage.Eminönü Han Bölgesinde bulunan Gülbenkyan Han, Batı mimarisiyle yapılan etkili büro hanlarından birisi olup 1900’lü döneminde Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian tarafından Mimar Hovsep Aznavur’a yaptırılmıştır.Gülbenkyan Han, Eminönü Hobyar Mahallesi Arpacılar Caddesi’nde inşa edilmiştir. Art Nouveau stilinde 1890 yılında inşa edilen yapı büro hanı niteliği taşımaktadır. İstanbul’un Eminönü bölgesinde inşa edilen Gülbenkyan Han’ın mekân analizi bu tezin konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Han’ın İstanbul’da olması sebebiyle İstanbul’un Batılılaşma Dönemindeki fiziksel ve sosyal durumu, 1800’lü yıllarda Osmanlı Devleti’ndeki ticaret hanlarının tarihçesi ile birlikte ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın kurumsal çerçevesinde, Bizans döneminden Osmanlı dönemine Eminönü’nün ticari merkez oluşu, gelişimi, Gülbenkyan Han’ın genel özellikleri, mimari tanımlamaları ve değerlendirmeleri yapılmıştır. Han günümüzde zemin katı İtalyan Restoran'ı olarak hizmet veren bir otele dönüşmüştür. Bu çerçevede hanın dönüşüm süreciyle beraber mekân analizi yapılması bu tezin konusunu oluşturmaktadır.trinterior architecture and environmental designBATILILAŞMANIN MİMARİ BOYUTUNDA DÖNÜŞÜMÜN BİR TEMSİLİ: HOVSEP AZNAVURYAN’IN ART NOUVEAU TARZI ESERİ GÜLBENKYAN HANThesis