Eryılmaz, SerkanÜnlü, Kamil Demirberk2023-12-052023-12-052023-02-28 by Reliability Engineering and System Safety,, aDepartment of Industrial Engineering, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, e-mail: to the classical 𝜹-shock model, the system failure occurs upon the occurrence of a new shock that arrives in a time length less than 𝜹; a given positive value. In this paper, a new generalized version of the 𝜹-shock model is introduced. Under the proposed model, the system fails if there are m shocks that arrive in a time length less than 𝜹 after a previous shock, m 1. The mean time to failure of the system is approximated for both discretely and continuously distributed intershock time distributions. The usefulness of the model is also shown to study 1-out-of-(m + 1):G cold standby system. Illustrative numerical results are presented for geometric, exponential, discrete and continuous phase-type intershock time distributions.enCold standby systemA new generalized 𝜹-shock model and its application to 1-out-of-(m + 1):G cold standby systemA new generalized s-shock model and its application to 1-out-of-(m + 1):G cold standby systemArticle