CZAPLICKI, Jacek M.2022-07-202022-07-202008-07-20 paper conducts an analytical description of the problem of shaft bin volume selection in relation to the hoist output given and to the stream of rock mass delivered to the shaft. Special attention is devoted to the stochastic nature of phenomena occurring during ine operation. The stream of mass transported is identified as the Gaussian and the hoist daily output as the random variable that can be described by a modified beta distribution. The bin volmu is considered as a function of either the average value by which the rock mass exceeds the hoisting capacity of transportation both per day or the average rock mass that is delivered to the shaft during the mean time of hoist repair plus the corresponding standard deviation of thise repair time. The rock mass fluctuation in the bin is also taken into account, and its effect included in the calculation procedure.enmetallurgical and materials engineeringBIN VOLUME SELECTION IN RELATION TO HOIST OUTPUT AND STREAM OF ROCK EXTRACTED-ANALYSIS OF THE SYSTEMArticle