Çelik, Eşref UğurErdal, Fehmi BuğraKüçüker, Mustafa CanOmay, Tolga2024-01-192024-01-192023-04-27http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14411/19712822-6348https://doi.org/10.12995/bilig.10501Open Access; Published by Bilig; https://doi.org/10.12995/bilig.10501; Eşref Uğur Çelik, Tolga Omay, Atilim University, School of Business, Economics (English) – Ankara/Türkiye; Fehmi Buğra Erdal, Atilim University, School of Business, Tourism Management – Ankara/Türkiye; Mustafa Can Küçüker, Atilim University, School of Business, Economics (English) – Ankara/Türkiye.In this study, we concentrated on the socioeconomic factors affecting the level of real GDP per qualified worker. For this purpose, we have used the macroeconomic and socio-political performance index for Turkish Republics. By using these newly established indices, determinants of the level of real GDP per qualified worker are analyzed for the first time in the literature. From the empirical investigation, we found that certain threshold levels significantly affect the real GDP level per qualified worker. Therefore, the policymakers of these countries have to seriously consider these threshold levels for macroeconomic and socio-political performance index for conducting a well-organized policy for the wellbeing of their countries.enMacroeconomic Performance Index, Socio-political Performance Index, Openness, Capital, Real GDP per Qualified Worker.How Does Macroeconomic and Socio-political Index Affect the Real GDP per Qualified Worker? Evidence from Turkish RepublicsArticle