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  • Article
    Structured SRS for e-Government Services With Boilerplate Design and Interface
    (IEEE Access, 2023-06-27) Öztekin, Gonca Canan; Menekşe Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe
    There are many projects being carried out to develop e-Government applications. In order to develop an efficient application, a proper requirements specification is strictly required. However, in the case of improper requirements specifications, errors are unavoidable for the developed applications. Therefore, it is necessary to use a model to determine the quality of software requirements. In the literature, several studies have been presented to propose a quality model for software requirements. Yet, there is no study on the development of a quality model for software requirements in Turkish language. Thus, the purpose of this study is to propose a quality assessment model of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) in Turkish language for e-Government applications. The proposed model aims at defining common texts and confirming that the sentences used in writing SRS are developed within an assured structure in order to minimize and standardize the errors originating from natural language. For this purpose, a model based on the Rupp’s boilerplate is created that allows the analyst or requirements engineer to accurately enter the requirements statements. In this study, an interface (webpage) is also created so that the model may match requirements with common text templates, compute similarity values, and also may insert the requirements, regulatory documents, and user requirements into the template in a more convenient format. In order to evaluate the proposed model, the sentences in the 32 documents, including 843 requirements, were adapted to the model. Then, the usability of the model was validated by the requirement engineers serving in a Government service. According to the results, it is concluded that the proposed model is applicable, and is able to improve the quality of SRS in Turkish language for e-Government applications.
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    Business Intelligence Strategies, Best Practices, and Latest Trends: Analysis of Scientometric Data from 2003 to 2023 Using Machine Learning
    (Sustainability, 2023-06-21) Gürcan, Fatih; Ayaz, Ahmet; Menekşe Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe; Derawi, Mohammad
    The widespread use of business intelligence products, services, and applications piques the interest of researchers in this field. The interest of researchers in business intelligence increases the number of studies significantly. Identifying domain-specific research patterns and trends is thus a significant research problem. This study employs a topic modeling approach to analyze domain-specific articles in order to identify research patterns and trends in the business intelligence field over the last 20 years. As a result, 36 topics were discovered that reflect the field’s research landscape and trends. Topics such as “Organizational Capability”, “AI Applications”, “Data Mining”, “Big Data Analytics”, and “Visualization” have recently gained popularity. A systematic taxonomic map was also created, revealing the research background and BI perspectives based on the topics. This study may be useful to researchers and practitioners interested in learning about the most recent developments in the field. Topics generated by topic modeling can also be used to identify gaps in current research or potential future research directions.
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    Digital Transformation Strategies, Practices, and Trends: A Large-Scale Retrospective Study Based on Machine Learning
    (Sustainability, 2023-05-03) Gürcan, Fatih; Boztaş, Gizem Dilan; Menekşe Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe; Derawi, Mohammad
    The purpose of this research is to identify the areas of interest, research topics, and application areas that reflect the research nature of digital transformation (DT), as well as the strategies, practices, and trends of DT. To accomplish this, the Latent Dirichlet allocation algorithm, a probabilistic topic modeling technique, was applied to 5350 peer-reviewed journal articles on DT published in the last ten years, from 2013 to 2022. The analysis resulted in the discovery of 34 topics. These topics were classified, and a systematic taxonomy for DT was presented, including four sub-categories: implementation, technology, process, and human. As a result of time-based trend analysis, “Sustainable Energy”, “DT in Health”, “E-Government”, “DT in Education”, and “Supply Chain” emerged as top topics with an increasing trend. Our findings indicate that research interests are focused on specific applications of digital transformation in industrial and public settings. Based on our findings, we anticipate that the next phase of DT research and practice will concentrate on specific DT applications in government, health, education, and economics. “Sustainable Energy” and “Supply Chain” have been identified as the most prominent topics in current DT processes and applications. This study can help researchers and practitioners in the field by providing insights and implications about the evolution and applications of DT. Our findings are intended to serve as a guide for DT in understanding current research gaps and potential future research topics.
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    Mobile Application Software Requirements Specification from Consumption Values
    (Electronics, 2023-03-28) Derawi, Mohammad; Menekşe Dalveren, Gonca Gökçe; Çağıltay, Nergiz Ercil
    In today’s society, mobile applications are becoming more popular and providing several advantages. However, users will resist using a product regardless of how well-tested or solid it is if the wrong requirements are implemented. Understanding the factors that influence the purchase of mobile applications can provide useful information for mobile application design and development. Hence, the purpose of this research is to better understand the impact of consumption values on customers in order to identify the software requirements for a mobile application. This study analyzes the possible behavioral changes of similar groups of university students in a five-year period. For this purpose, a questionnaire is administered to engineering faculty students in 2017 (46 females and 66 males) and 2021 (45 females and 90 males) to better understand customer behavioral changes. The findings highlight the significance of conditional value in customer behavior when purchasing mobile applications. Even though the other consumption values were found to have a negligible effect, there is some evidence indicating that the impact of consumption values on different target customer groups may vary considering their gender and familiarity with apps. Further research needs to be conducted to better understand the possible impact of age, cultural differences, education levels, and special considerations such as visually impaired people. Therefore, this study encourages mobile application designers and developers to raise awareness for the effect of consumption values such as conditional value on their customers’ mobile application purchasing behaviors. The possible impact of the consumption values needs to be deeply understood, specifically for the target customer groups, and it should be considered in the software requirements specification (SRS), which is one of the important principles that allow software under consideration for development to function. As a result, a better understanding of consumption values will help developers design and develop better applications by specifying software requirements and marketing strategies.
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    Exploring the Influence of Countries’ Economic Conditions on Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Participation: A Study of 3.5 Million MITx Learners
    (The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 2023-05-31) Çağıltay, Nergiz Ercil; Toker, Sacip; Çağıltay, Kürşat
    It is well known that there are disparities in access to education around the world, with developed countries generally having better educational resources and opportunities compared to developing countries. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been proposed as a way to bridge this gap by providing free or low-cost online education to anyone with an Internet connection. This study aimed to better understand the effects of location, both country and region, on the use of MOOCs, using data from 3.5 million learners who registered for MOOCs offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The data set provided a broad picture of how MOOCs are being used around the globe. The results of the study indicated significant differences in the use of MOOCs among students from different countries and their corresponding economic levels. In order to address these differences and improve access to education through MOOCs, the study suggested several actions that could be taken. These include providing better infrastructure and support for MOOC learners in developing countries, increasing awareness of and access to MOOCs in these regions, and working to improve the quality and relevance of MOOC offerings. Overall, the study highlighted the potential of MOOCs to bridge the educational gap between developed and developing countries, but also emphasized the need for continued efforts to remove barriers and improve access to these resources.
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    Three-Dimensional Visualization with Large Data Sets: A Simulation of Spreading Cortical Depression in Human Brain
    (Journal of Biomedical and Biotechnology, 2012-07-20) ERTÜRK, Korhan Levent; ŞENGÜL, Gökhan
    We developed 3D simulation software of human organs/tissues; we developed a database to store the related data, a data management system to manage the created data, and a metadata system for the management of data. This approach provides two benefits: first of all the developed system does not require to keep the patient’s/subject’s medical images on the system, providing less memory usage. Besides the system also provides 3D simulation and modification options, which will help clinicians to use necessary tools for visualization and modification operations. The developed system is tested in a case study, in which a 3D human brain model is created and simulated from 2D MRI images of a human brain, and we extended the 3D model to include the spreading cortical depression (SCD) wave front, which is an electrical phoneme that is believed to cause the migraine.
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    Bilimsel İletişimde Yeşil ve Altın Yollarda Yakınsama ve Türkiye’deki Yansımaları
    (Bilgi Dünyası, 2011-08-02) ERTÜRK, Korhan Levent; ŞENGÜL, Gökhan
    Son yıllarda özellikle sosyal ağlarda bilgi dolaşımının artması, gelişmiş mobil iletişim cihazlarının yoğun kullanımı kısıtsız ve farklı ortamlarda bilgi erişim ve paylaşımını gerektirmektedir. Bu bağlamda bilimsel bulguların yer aldığı makalelerin geniş kitlelere ve diğer bilim insanlarının erişimine açılması; hem bilimsel eserin doğruluk ve güvenirliğini artırmaya yardımcı olmakta, hem de bilimsel verinin paylaşılmasını ve dolayısı ile de bilimsel gelişimi olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Yaklaşık on yıldır bu amaca açık erişim insiyatifi katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu amaçla kendi kendine arşivleme (yeşil yol) ve açık erişim dergisi (altın yol) bilimsel çalışmaların bilim topluluğuna sunulmasında yeni yöntemler olarak takdim edilmiştir Bu çalışmada; uluslararası alanda yeşil ve altın yollar üzerinde ortaya konan kurallar irdelenmiş, yazar ve yayıncılarının oluşan iklime uyumluluğu sorgulanmış ve Türkiye adresli kurumsal arşiv ve dergilerin ortaya çıkan durum karşısında konumları üzerine bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Çalışma esnasında Ulrich Süreli Yayın Rehberi, Thomson Reuters (ISI) Bilimsel Web (Web of Science - WoS) ve Elsevier Scopus uluslararası ticari atıf veri tabanları, RoMEO, Juliet, ve ROARMAP telif politikası rehberleri, OpenDOAR, ROAR kurumsal arşiv rehberleri ve DOAJ açık erişim dergisi rehberi ile ULAKBİM ulusal veri tabanları incelenmiştir.
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    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013-08-30) HACALOĞLU, Tuna; ÖZKAN YILDIRIM, Sevgi
    İnternet kullanımının dünya çapına yayılması ve bunun sonucu olarak web içeriğindeki sürekli artış kullanıcılara onları daha çok ilgilendirecek daha kişiselleştirilmiş ürün ve servis sunma ihtiyacı doğurmuştur. Özellikle e-ticaretin de gelişmesiyle artık hemen hemen her şirket müşterilerine web üzerinden hizmet sunmaktadır. Buna bağlı olarak son yıllarda web üzerinde gezinmedeki değişiklik dikkat çekici bir hale gelmiştir. Eskiden web siteleri kullanıcılara herkese aynı olacak şekilde genel ürünler sunmaktaydı. Bunun sonucunda kullanıcılar web sitesinin kendilerine sundukları ürünler arasından bir seçim yapmak zorunda kalıyorlardı. Günümüzde ise web siteleri kullanıcılarına uyum göstermeye başladılar ve kullanıcılarının bir takım özelliklerini dikkate alarak, genel seçenekler yerine onları daha çok ilgilendiren özel seçenekler sunar hale geldiler. Web’i çok büyük bir bilgi havuzu olarak düşündüğümüzde kullanıcının kendisi için gerekli olan bilgiyi bulmak için gerekli olmayan başka bilgilerle de karşı kalabileceğini görürüz. Bilgi diye adlandırdığımız; film, TV programı, reklam, müzik, kitap, tatil alternatifleri, eğitim, ders materyalleri, blog makaleleri, mobilya, giysi, vb. gibi web de sunulan her tip üründür. Bu bağlamda tavsiye sistemlerini kullanıcıların ihtiyaçlarına göre ürün veya servis öneren sistem olarak tanımlayabiliriz [1]. Bu tür tavsiye sistemlerinin dikkate aldıkları kullanıcı özellikleri kullanıcıların yaş, eğitim, cinsiyet, meslek ve yaşadıkları şehir gibi genellikle sabit olan demografik bilgileri olabilirken; kullanıcıların sistemle etkileşimleri geçmişte aldıkları, inceledikleri ürünler, gezindikleri web siteleri gibi dinamik veriler de olabilir. Bunun yanında söz konusu kullanıcılarla benzer özellik gösteren diğer kullanıcılar veya aynı kullanıcının daha önce almış olduğu ürün ile diğer ürünler arasındaki benzerlikler hep tavsiye sistemlerinin temelinde çalışan bir takım akıllı algoritmalar ile tespit edilmekte ve bu sayede kullanıcılara daha özel ve onları ilgilendirecek ürünler sunulmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu sistemler hem tüketici hem de üretici için fayda sağlamaktadır.