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  • Article
    Testing the Efficiency of Emerging Markets: Evidence from Nonlinear Panel Unit Tests
    (Panoeconomicus, 2023) Turguttopbaş, Neslihan; Omay, Tolga
    In this study, we investigate market efficiency considering nonlinearities by testing the weak-form market efficiency of the stock markets of Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey, and South Africa using recently proposed nonlinear panel unit root tests. The stock markets of these emerging countries are deliberately selected for their market capitalization to form a homogenous panel. The results of nonlinear models indicate that the stock market indexes are stationary and weak-form inefficient. This finding contributes to the contradictory results of the prior research using linear and nonlinear models about the efficiency of emerging stock markets in favor of nonlinear ones. Furthermore, we propose that studies using financial variables consider such nonlinearity in order to achieve more accuracy in findings related to such studies.
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    A note on CO2 emissions using two new tests
    (Empirica, 2023-11) Sephton, Peter; Omay, Tolga
    Recent research suggests that policies implementing structural change are required to alter the paths of carbon dioxide emissions in many nations. This note provides additional support for this view, allowing for smooth shifts in the deterministic part of the stochastic process. A Fourier wavelet unit root test indicates that in many countries, a temporary shock to emissions will have a permanent impact, whereas tests that examine fractional integration around a smooth break with de-trending indicate that a shock to emissions will have a transitory impact. Policies that induce structural changes are required to place emissions on a downward path.
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    A long‑run convergence analysis of aerosol precursors, reactive gases, and aerosols in the BRICS and Indonesia: is a global emissions abatement agenda supported?
    (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023-02) Romero‑Ávila, Diego; Omay, Tolga
    This article examines the hypothesis of deterministic emissions convergence for a panel of the BRICS and Indonesia to advanced countries’ emissions levels as well as to Sweden (which is a country that has clearly gone through decoupling) using a novel dataset with ten series of annual estimates of anthropogenic emissions comprising aerosols, aerosol precursor and reactive compounds, and carbon dioxide from 1820 to 2018. For that purpose, we employ four novel panel unit root tests allowing for several forms of time-dependent and state-dependent nonlinearity. The evidence supports deterministic convergence following a linear process for carbon dioxide, whereas the adjustment is asymmetric and nonlinear for carbon monoxide. Methane and nitrogen oxides exhibit logistic smooth transition converging dynamics. In contrast, black carbon, ammonia, nitrous oxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds, organic carbon, and sulfur dioxide emissions diverge. These results have implications for the abatement of greenhouse gases emissions at the global level, given the high share of emissions of the BRICS.
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    Convergence of GHGs emissions in the long‑run: aerosol precursors, reactive gases and aerosols—a nonlinear panel approach
    (Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023-11) Romero‑Ávila, Diego; Omay, Tolga
    Anthropogenic emissions of reactive gases, aerosols and aerosol precursor compounds are responsible for the ozone hole, global warming and climate change, which have altered ecosystems and worsened human health. Environmental authorities worldwide have responded to these climate challenges through the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this context, it is key to ascertain empirically whether emission levels are converging among the countries forming the industrialized world. In doing so, we focus on 23 industrialized countries using a novel dataset with ten series of annual estimates of anthropogenic emissions that include aerosols, aerosol precursor and reactive compounds, and carbon dioxide over the 1820–2018 period. We apply four state-of-the-art panel unit root tests that allow for several forms of time-dependent and state-dependent nonlinearity. Our evidence supports stochastic convergence following a linear process for carbon dioxide, whereas the adjustment is nonlinear for black carbon, carbon monoxide, methane, non-methane volatile organic compounds, nitrous oxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. In contrast, ammonia and organic carbon emissions appear to diverge. As for deterministic convergence, carbon dioxide converges linearly, while black carbon, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, non-methane volatile organic compounds and sulfur dioxide adjust nonlinearly. Our results carry important policy implications concerning the achievement of SDG13 of the global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which appears to be feasible for the converging compounds.
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    Testing for Unit Roots in Nonlinear Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels with Logistic Smooth Breaks
    (Symmetry, 2023-03-18) Omay, Tolga; Uçar, Nuri
    In this study, we investigate the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) proposition for 34 European and selected global countries. For this purpose, we propose a new unit root test for cross-sectionally dependent heterogeneous panels that allows for gradual structural breaks and symmetric nonlinear adjustment toward the equilibrium level. The alternative hypothesis stationary is obtained by symmetric adjustment due to exponential smooth transition autoregression (ESTAR) around a nonlinear trend. Moreover, we provide small sample properties extensively for the newly proposed test. Hence, this alternative hypothesis has been proven to characterize real exchange rate data (REER) correctly. Thus, the newly proposed tests provide an essential basis for modeling the REER series correctly. Finally, we also derive the approximate asymptotic distribution of the proposed tests using new techniques.
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    Controlling Heterogeneous Structure of Smooth Breaks in Panel Unit Root and Cointegration Testing
    (Computational Economics, 2023-01) Omay, Tolga; Iren, Perihan
    This study aims to show the consequences of a restrictive homogeneity assumption of frequency in heterogeneous panel unit root and cointegration testing with Flexible Fourier Form. For this purpose, we use a simple panel unit root and residual based cointegration test with Flexible Fourier Form in a heterogeneous frequency setting using a bootstrap algorithm. The power of the test statistics and empirical analysis results indicate that failing to take into account a heterogeneous frequency may lead to misleading inferences, thereby leading to misspecified tests and erroneous conclusions concerning the stochastic behavior of the data in the panel sample.
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    Is there convergence in renewable energy deployment? Evidence from a new panel unit root test with smooth and sharp structural breaks
    (Renewable Energy, 2023-03) Çorakçı, Ayşegül; Omay, Tolga
    This study examines whether the contribution of renewable energy to the total primary energy supply converges in a panel of 24 OECD countries over the period 1960–2020. To this end, a new panel unit root test that allows for both sharp and smooth breaks is proposed to test for the stochastic convergence hypothesis. Although renewable energy convergence is not rejected when the newly proposed test is applied to the full panel of OECD countries, it found only moderate support within the members of the panel using a sequential panel selection methodology. In fact, in two high-income OECD countries, the contribution of renewable energy to the primary energy supply shows no sign of convergence: Poland and Iceland. Therefore, the renewable energy shares seem to be converging to a common steady state in only a group of OECD countries over the long run. This uneven pattern of convergence, in turn, suggests that the OECD countries are still far away from developing a common sustainable renewable energy target, calling for urgent international policy cooperation to encourage the divergent economies to seek out the menu of policies that ensure the worldwide success of renewable energy transformation.
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    How Does Macroeconomic and Socio-political Index Affect the Real GDP per Qualified Worker? Evidence from Turkish Republics
    (Bilig, 2023-04-27) Çelik, Eşref Uğur; Erdal, Fehmi Buğra; Küçüker, Mustafa Can; Omay, Tolga
    In this study, we concentrated on the socioeconomic factors affecting the level of real GDP per qualified worker. For this purpose, we have used the macroeconomic and socio-political performance index for Turkish Republics. By using these newly established indices, determinants of the level of real GDP per qualified worker are analyzed for the first time in the literature. From the empirical investigation, we found that certain threshold levels significantly affect the real GDP level per qualified worker. Therefore, the policymakers of these countries have to seriously consider these threshold levels for macroeconomic and socio-political performance index for conducting a well-organized policy for the wellbeing of their countries.
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    Convergence of economic growth and health expenditures in OECD countries: Evidence from non-linear unit root tests
    (Frontiers in Public Health, 2023-03-17) Çelik, Eşref Uğur; Omay, Tolga; Tengilimoğlu, Dilaver
    Introduction: The relationship between human capital, health spending, and economic growth is frequently neglected in the literature. However, one of the main determinants of human capital is health expenditures, where human capital is one of the driving forces of growth. Consequently, health expenditures affect growth through this link. Methods: In the study, these findings have been attempted to be empirically tested. Along this axis, health expenditure per qualified worker was chosen as an indicator of health expenditure, and output per qualified worker was chosen as an indicator of economic growth. The variables were treated with the convergence hypothesis. Due to the non-linear nature of the variables, the convergence hypothesis was carried out with non-linear unit root tests. Results: The analysis of 22 OECD countries from 1976 to 2020 showed that health expenditure converged for all countries, and there was a significant degree of growth convergence (except for two countries). These findings show that health expenditure convergence has significantly contributed to growth convergence. Discussion: Policymakers should consider the inclusiveness and effectiveness of health policies while making their economic policies, as health expenditure convergence can significantly impact growth convergence. Further research is needed to understand the mechanisms behind this relationship and identify specific health policies most effective in promoting economic growth.
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    Çifte Hareket: AB'nin Düşüşü ve Türkiye için Artan Önemi
    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013-01-18) TEMEL, Bülent
    13. senesine girdiğimiz 2000'ler hem AB hem de Türkiye için önemli gelişmelerin yaşandığı bir dönem olmaktadır. Kısa bir süre önce Nobel Barış Ödülü’yle de tescillendiği üzere, uzun bir uluslararası çatışma tarihine sahip olan bir kıtadaki iyi niyetli ve yapıcı bir proje olan Avrupa Birliği 62. yılında1 düşündürücü bir ekonomik krizden geçmektedir. Bir bütün olarak birliğin ekonomisi beş senedir yerinde sayarken kamu açığı oranı toplam gelirin %4.4’üne ulaşmış,2 işsiz sayısı ise 16 milyondan 26 milyona çıkmıştır.3 Farklı kültür ve özelliklerdeki ulusal sistemlerden bir birleşik ekonomi inşa etmenin zorluklarının farkına varmakta olan birlik özellikle Akdenizli üyelerindeki halk ayaklanmalarıyla çalkalanırken bu ülkelerin siyasi liderleri de bir yandan seçmenlerini yatıştırmaya çalışmakta diğer yandan da ülkelerinin birliğe duydukları sadakatın sınırlarını sorgulamaktadır. Kimi yorumcuların AB projesinin varlığını tehdit ettiğini öne sürdükleri mevcut krizin temel nedeni ise ekonomik değil kültüreldir.4 AB lokomotif ekonomisi olan Almanya’nın endüstriyel kültürünü yansıtacak şekilde, yürürlüğe sokulan mekanizmaların amaçlarına uygun çalışacakları varsayımı üzerine inşa edilmiş bir kurumdur. İşbirliğine dayalı bir konfederasyon olmanın ötesine gitmekten kaçınan AB’de üyelerinin birliğin himayesine güvenerek sorumsuzca davranmalarını engelleyici bir dizi önlem alınmıştır. Bunlardan birisi merkez bankalarının geleneksel rollerinden birisi olan son çare kreditörlüğünün Avrupa Merkez Bankası’na verilmemiş olması, bir diğeri ise tüm Avro bölgesini temsil eden bir ortak tahvilin ihraç edilmeyişidir. Üye ülkelerin borçlanma iştahlarını sınırlayarak ulusal borç sorunlarını birliğe yıkmalarını önleme amacıyla düşünülen bu fikirlerin uygulamadaki sonuçlarının ise birliğin güney üyelerinde kuzeydekilerden farklı olduğu görülmektedir. Yunanistan, İtalya, Portekiz ve İspanya’daki hükümetler AB üyeliklerinin ortaya çıkardığı parasal genişleme imkanlarından seçici olmaksızın faydalanmışlar, ancak bu fonları üretime yönelik yatırımlara yeterince kanalize etmemeleri nedeniyle hem kendi ekonomilerini hem de AB ekonomisini bugünkü borç krizine taşımışlardır.
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    Sosyal Ekonomi ve Toplumsal Sorumluluk: Küresel Neoliberalizm Anarşisine Alternatifler
    (Atılım Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2012-07-22) TEMEL, Bülent
    Amaç: Bu makale küresel neoliberal sistemin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan sorunların üstesinden gelebilmek için bir yol önermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bunun toplumun ilgili kesimlerinin işbirliği yapmaları ve özel sektörün kendi içinde bir düşünce reformundan geçmesi halinde mümkün olduğu öne sürülecektir. Tasarım/metodoloji/yaklaşım: Bu çalışma neoliberalizme alternatif arayışını sosyal ekonomi ve sorumluluk paradigmaları içinde onların kuramsal ve düzgüsel duruşlarını uygulanabilir fikirlere bağlayarak gerçekleştirmektedir. Bulgular: Bu yazıda egemen neoliberalizme çözümün toplumun tüm kesimlerinin -özellikle de mevcut ekonomik sistemin ardındaki itici güç olan kar amaçlı özel sektörün eşzamanlı işbirliğiyle uygulanabilecek olan yeni bir sosyal ekonomi olduğu ileri sürülecektir. Son zamanlarda, bu aktörler sosyal ekonomideki rollerini kabul etmiş ve toplumsal sorumlulukla hareket etmenin önemini kavramış görünmektelerdir. Çalışmanın özgünlüğü/değeri: Bu çalışma sosyal ekonominin katılımcılarını gösteren yonca yaprağı modelini sunmakta ve toplumsal sorumluluk paradigmasını kar amaçlı özel sektörün toplumsal sorumluluğu kavramıyla birleştirmektedir.
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    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013-08-02) SÖNMEZ, Sinan
    İlk ekonomik ve/veya finansal kriz nerede ve hangi tarihte patlak verdi? Yakın tarihlerde yayımlanan ilginç bir makalede , ilk krizin İngiltere’de 1340 yılında ortaya çıktığı belirtilmektedir. Bu tarihten 18. yüzyılın sonuna uzanan zaman diliminde Avusturya, Fransa, İngiltere, İspanya, Portekiz ve Prusya’da yaşanan toplam 20 krizden 19’u dış borçtan kaynaklanmıştır. Fransa (8) ve İspanya (6) krizlerin sıklıkla görüldüğü ülkeler olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Özellikle son iki yüzyıla krizler damgasını vurmuştur. 2007 Sonbaharı’nda belirmeye başlayan ve 2008’de somutlaşan son küresel krize gelmeden önce, geçmişteki sarsıcı etkiler yaratmış krizlerden bir bölümüne kısaca göz atalım.
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    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2015-06-19) İSMİHAN, Mustafa; ÇELİK, Eşref Uğur
    1950 yılında Türkiye’nin fiilen çok partili döneme geçişiyle geniş toplum kitleleri siyasette daha aktif rol almaya başlamıştır. Bu yeni dönemde artan siyasi rekabet ortamında, iktidarda bulunan birçok parti uzun vadeli politikalar yerine genellikle kısa vadeli ve popüler politikalar izlemeyi tercih etmişlerdir. Bu politikaların yansıması olarak, sıklıkla yaşanan popülist süreçler, ekonomik ve siyasi krizler Türkiye ekonomisini kırılgan ve istikrarsız bir yapıya büründürmüştür.