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    (2022-06-27) TEKMEN, Ezgi Kübra; BOZTEPE, Handan; TOPAL, Cansu Akdağ
    Every parenting comes with some responsibilities. In order for the newborn to be happy, peaceful and successful, a secure attachment must be established between the parents and the newborn. This research aimed to compare the prenatal attachment levels of immigrant Syrian and Turkish women during pregnancy and to determine the factors affecting them. The descriptive and comparative study was carried out with a total of 397 pregnant women, 197 Syrian pregnant women and 200 Turkish pregnant women, who were determined by power analysis between 08 September and 31 December 2021 in Ankara Training and Research Hospital. Sociodemographic form and Prenatal Attachment Inventory were used as data collection tools. The mean prenatal attachment score of 397 pregnant women who participated in the study was found to be 55.22± 11.66. There was a statistically significant difference between the prenatal attachment scores of the participants according to their nationality (p<0.05). It was observed that prenatal attachment scores of Turkish (61.79±8.55) participants were higher than Syrian (48.38±10.39) participants (p<0.05). The low level of prenatal attachment of Syrian pregnant women is thought to be an immigrant and the negative effects of immigration on pregnancy. Nurses should know the effects of migration on women and should be able to detect situations that indicate secure and insecure attachment early, and should support the family in order to develop attachment by activating attachment in the prenatal period.