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Çalışmamızın konusunu “Ortaklığın Giderilmesi Davası” teşkil etmektedir.
Ortaklığın giderilmesi davasına ilişkin açıklamaların daha net anlaşılabilmesi
bağlamında öncelikle birlikte mülkiyet çeşitleri olan paylı mülkiyet ve elbirliği
mülkiyeti çalışmanın birinci bölümünde kapsamlı şekilde ele alınmıştır.
İkinci bölümde ise, “Ortaklığın Giderilmesi Türleri” başlığı altında kazai ve
rızai paylaşma biçimleri, ortaklığın aynen paylaşma, kat mülkiyeti kurulması ve satış
yoluyla giderilmesi, miras ortaklığının meydana gelişi ve elbirliği mülkiyetinin paylı
mülkiyete çevrilmesi davası incelenmiştir.
Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde, “Ortaklığın Giderilmesi Davası” usul hukuku
anlamında incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda davanın konusu, hukuki niteliği, dava
taraflarının hukuki durumu, yargılama usulü ve yargılama giderleri ele alındıktan
sonra, davada bekletici sorun yapılabilecek hususlar Yargıtay kararları ışığında
detaylı şekilde incelenmiştir.
Son olarak dördüncü bölümde ise, ortaklığın giderilmesi davasında verilen
kararın infazı, ilamlı icraya dair müşterek hükümler ve Yargıtay kararları göz önünde
bulundurularak incelenmiş, ardından mahkemece verilen ilama karşı
başvurulabilecek kanun yolları açıklanarak çalışma sonuçlandırılmıştır.
The Case of Elimination of Partnership
ABSTRACT: The subject of our study is “The Case of Elimination of Partnership”. In the first part of the study, joint ownership and co-ownership are discussed in detail in the context of a clearer understanding of the explanations related to the case of elimination of partnership. In the second section, under the heading “Types of Elimination of Partnership”, the forms of sharing through the court and sharing with agreement are described. The following topics were examined: the elimination of the partnership through sharing, the establishment of condominium and sale, the formation of the inheritance partnership and the conversion of the cooperative ownership into shared ownership. In the third part of the study, “The Case of Elimination of Partnership” was examined in the sense of procedural law. In this context, the subject of the case, the legal naturethe legat situation of the parties, the judgement procedure and the costs of the trial are examined in detail in the light of the decisions of the Supreme Court. Finally, in the fourth section, the execution of the decision given in the case of elimination of partnership, joint provisions on execution with a decree and the decisions of the Supreme Court were examined, and the work was concluded by explaining the ways of law that can be applied against the decision given by the court.
ABSTRACT: The subject of our study is “The Case of Elimination of Partnership”. In the first part of the study, joint ownership and co-ownership are discussed in detail in the context of a clearer understanding of the explanations related to the case of elimination of partnership. In the second section, under the heading “Types of Elimination of Partnership”, the forms of sharing through the court and sharing with agreement are described. The following topics were examined: the elimination of the partnership through sharing, the establishment of condominium and sale, the formation of the inheritance partnership and the conversion of the cooperative ownership into shared ownership. In the third part of the study, “The Case of Elimination of Partnership” was examined in the sense of procedural law. In this context, the subject of the case, the legal naturethe legat situation of the parties, the judgement procedure and the costs of the trial are examined in detail in the light of the decisions of the Supreme Court. Finally, in the fourth section, the execution of the decision given in the case of elimination of partnership, joint provisions on execution with a decree and the decisions of the Supreme Court were examined, and the work was concluded by explaining the ways of law that can be applied against the decision given by the court.
private law