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Çek, görüldüğünde ödenecek bir kıymetli evrak olup muhatap bankaya ibraz
süreleri içerisinde ibraz edilirse karşılığının bulunması halinde ödenecektir. Ancak
çekin hamilinin elinden hamilin rızası dışında çıkarak zayi olması durumu söz konusu
olabilir. Zayi olma çekin, çalınması, kaybedilmesi şeklinde olabileceği gibi ibraz
edilemez derece tahrip olması nedeniyle kullanılamayacak hale gelmesi şeklinde de
olabilir. Bu gibi durumlarda çekin, muhatap bankaya meşru hamil dışında kişilerce
ibraz edilerek, çekin karşılığının muhatap bankaca ödenmesi riski vardır. Zayi olan
çekin meşru hamilinin, hakkını çek elinde bulunmadığı için ileri sürememesi
hakkaniyetli olmayacağından, çekin ziyaı durumunda yapılması gerekenler ile ilgili
yasal düzenlemelerin bulunması bir ihtiyaçtan ziyade zorunluluktur.
Tez çalışmamızda çekin ziyaı kavramı, çekin ziyaı halinde önleyici tedbir alma
hakkı, önleyici tedbir alma hakkına sahip kişiler açıklanıp, keşidecinin çekin ziyaı
halindeki durumu değerlendirilmiştir. Bunun yanında zayi olan çekin kimin elinde
bulunduğunun bilindiği durumlarda açılacak iade davası ve iade davasının niteliği
ortaya konulmuştur. Son olarak ise zayi olan çekin kimin elinde bulunduğunun
bilinmediği durumlarda mahkemeye yapılacak iptal başvurusunun niteliği, iptal
başvurusunda bulunulabilecek durumlar ile sonuçları açıklanmıştır. Çekin iptalini
talep edebilecek kişiler değerlendirilmiştir. Yine eski T.T.K.’da yer verilen ancak yeni
T.T.K.’da yer verilmeyen 711/3.madde kapsamında keşidecinin muhatap bankaya
başvurusu ile ödemenin yasaklanmasını sağladığı düzenlemeye, mevcut iptal
hükümleri göz önünde bulundurularak yeni T.T.K.’da ne şekilde yer verilmesi
gerektiği üzerinde durulmuştur.
Loss and Cancellation of the Cheque
ABSTRACT: A cheque is a commercial paper which will be paid when seen and in case of being an honored cheque when submitted to the drawee bank during submitting periods. However, the loss of the cheque without the bearer’s consent could be possible. The loss case can be due to being stolen and lost, or the cheque may become unusable due to the extreme damage on the cheque so as not to be submitted. In such cases, there is the risk of cashing the cheque by the drawee bank when it is submitted to those banks by individuals who are not legal bearers. Since the legal bearer’s claim of right would not be fair due to the fact that he/she will not have the cheque, it is an obligation rather than a necessity to find legal regulations regarding what should be done in case of a loss. In our thesis study, the notion of the loss of the cheque, right of taking preventive measures in case of a loss and the individuals who have the right to take preventive measures were explained, and the case of the drawer in the case of a loss was addressed. In addition, restitution action and the quality of restitution action when the cheque holder is known, were discussed. Finally, the quality, conditions and the results of the nullity action which can be filed when the cheque holder is not known were stated. Individuals who could file a nullity action were evaluated. Moreover, how the regulation providing the ban of payment when the drawer applies to the drawee bank whıch should take place ın the new TCC (Turkısh Code of Commerce) wıthın the scope of Artıcle 711/3 consıderıng exıstıng nullıty provısıons was emphasized.
ABSTRACT: A cheque is a commercial paper which will be paid when seen and in case of being an honored cheque when submitted to the drawee bank during submitting periods. However, the loss of the cheque without the bearer’s consent could be possible. The loss case can be due to being stolen and lost, or the cheque may become unusable due to the extreme damage on the cheque so as not to be submitted. In such cases, there is the risk of cashing the cheque by the drawee bank when it is submitted to those banks by individuals who are not legal bearers. Since the legal bearer’s claim of right would not be fair due to the fact that he/she will not have the cheque, it is an obligation rather than a necessity to find legal regulations regarding what should be done in case of a loss. In our thesis study, the notion of the loss of the cheque, right of taking preventive measures in case of a loss and the individuals who have the right to take preventive measures were explained, and the case of the drawer in the case of a loss was addressed. In addition, restitution action and the quality of restitution action when the cheque holder is known, were discussed. Finally, the quality, conditions and the results of the nullity action which can be filed when the cheque holder is not known were stated. Individuals who could file a nullity action were evaluated. Moreover, how the regulation providing the ban of payment when the drawer applies to the drawee bank whıch should take place ın the new TCC (Turkısh Code of Commerce) wıthın the scope of Artıcle 711/3 consıderıng exıstıng nullıty provısıons was emphasized.
private law