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Çek; kanunlarda belirtilen şekil koşullarına tabi, belli bir miktar paranın
ödenmesini konu alan, yalnızca bir banka üzerinden keşide edilebilen, ibrazında
ödenen, havale niteliği taşıyan bir senettir. Çeklerin en temel özelliği, belirli bir miktar
paranın ödenmesini üzerinde taşımasıdır. Çek, nakdin kaydi paraya dönüşmesi ve ilgili
mali kuruluşlar bünyesinde toplanmasıyla ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlar. Bu ve birçok
faydası sebebiyle çeklerin, tarih boyunca ortaya çıkışından itibaren çoğu kanun koyucu
tarafından kullanımı teşvik edilmiştir. Çeke olan güvenin ve kullanımının artması,
karşılıksızdır işlemine sebebiyet verme suçunun önüne geçilebilmesi için de birçok
düzenleme yapılmıştır. Çalışmamızda; 09.08.2016 tarihli “6728 Sayılı Yatırım
Ortamının İyileştirilmesi Amacıyla Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına İlişkin
Kanun” ile birlikte “6102 Türk Ticaret Kanunu” ve Çek Kanunu’nda meydana gelen
değişiklikler ele alınmıştır.
Legal And Penal Sanctions To Be Imposed On Those Who
Bounce Dud Cheques And Cause Unrequited Cheques
ABSTRACT: The check is a bill that is subject to the conditions stated in the laws, is subject of the payment of a certain amount of money, can only be drawn through a bank, is paid on presentation, and is a transfer element. The main feature of the checks is that they can pay a certain amount of money. The check contributes to the national economy by converting cash into bank money and by gathering it in related financial institutions. Because of these and many other benefits, checks have been encouraged to be used by most legislators since their appearance throughout history. Due to the increase in the confidence and use of the check, a lot of arrangements have been made in order to prevent the crime of causing the unrequited transaction. In this study, the changes in the Turkish Trade Law and the Check Law with the Law No. 6728 of 09.08.2016 on the Amendment of Some Laws for the Improvement of the Investment Environment are examined.
ABSTRACT: The check is a bill that is subject to the conditions stated in the laws, is subject of the payment of a certain amount of money, can only be drawn through a bank, is paid on presentation, and is a transfer element. The main feature of the checks is that they can pay a certain amount of money. The check contributes to the national economy by converting cash into bank money and by gathering it in related financial institutions. Because of these and many other benefits, checks have been encouraged to be used by most legislators since their appearance throughout history. Due to the increase in the confidence and use of the check, a lot of arrangements have been made in order to prevent the crime of causing the unrequited transaction. In this study, the changes in the Turkish Trade Law and the Check Law with the Law No. 6728 of 09.08.2016 on the Amendment of Some Laws for the Improvement of the Investment Environment are examined.
private law