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Kitle fonlaması, internet aracılığı ile girişimlere finansal kaynak sağlayan
yeni ve modern bir finansal sistemdir. Bu teknoloji destekli modern finansman
sistemi ile girişimler artık geleneksel finansal yöntemlerine bağlı olmadan hızlı ve
kolay bir şekilde finanse edilebilecektir. Bu çalışma, bu yeni finansman sisteminin
özelliklerini ve işleyişini açıklamayı ve hisse bazlı kitle fonlamasına ilişkin yasal
düzenlemelerin incelenmesini ve değerlendirilmesini amaçlamaktadır.
Çalışmamız kapsamında öncelikle kitle fonlamasının ortaya çıkışı hakkında
bilgiler verilmiş, sırasıyla tanımı, tarafları ve türleri hakkında açıklamalar yapılmış
ve kitle fonlaması sürecinin işleyişinden bahsedilmiştir. Riskler, avantajlar ve
dezavantajlar hakkında, diğer finansman yöntemleri ile karşılaştırma yapılarak, bu
yeni finansal sistemin değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Sonrasında, ABD hukukunda ve
AB hukukunda paya dayalı kitle fonlamasına ilişkin yasal düzenlemeler hakkında
bilgiler verilmiştir. Son olarak, Türk Sermaye Piyasası Hukukunda paya dayalı kitle
fonlaması hükümleri incelenmiş, gerektiğinde ABD hukuku ve AB hukuku
düzenlemeleri ile karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır.
Equity Based Crowdfunding in Capital Market Law
ABSTRACT: Crowdfunding is a new and modern financial system that provides financial resources to enterprises via the internet. With this technology-supported modern financing system, enterprises can now be financed quickly and easily, regardless of traditional financial methods. This study aims to explain the features and functioning of this new financing system and examine and evaluate the legal regulations regarding equity based crowdfunding. Within the scope of our study, primarily, information about the emergence of crowdfunding was given, explanations were made about its definition, parties, and types, respectively, and the functioning of the crowdfunding process was mentioned. This new financial system has been evaluated by making a comparison with other financing methods about the risks, advantages, and disadvantages. Then, information was given about the legal regulations regarding equity based crowdfunding in US law and EU law. In conclusion, the provisions of equity based crowdfunding in the Turkish Capital Market Law have been examined, and comparisons with US law and EU law regulations are made when required.
ABSTRACT: Crowdfunding is a new and modern financial system that provides financial resources to enterprises via the internet. With this technology-supported modern financing system, enterprises can now be financed quickly and easily, regardless of traditional financial methods. This study aims to explain the features and functioning of this new financing system and examine and evaluate the legal regulations regarding equity based crowdfunding. Within the scope of our study, primarily, information about the emergence of crowdfunding was given, explanations were made about its definition, parties, and types, respectively, and the functioning of the crowdfunding process was mentioned. This new financial system has been evaluated by making a comparison with other financing methods about the risks, advantages, and disadvantages. Then, information was given about the legal regulations regarding equity based crowdfunding in US law and EU law. In conclusion, the provisions of equity based crowdfunding in the Turkish Capital Market Law have been examined, and comparisons with US law and EU law regulations are made when required.
private law