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Arap dünyasında yaşanan baskıcı ve diktatör yönetimler karşısında halkın baskıcı
yönetime karşı tepkisi sonucu meydana gelen Arap Baharı, demokratikleşme
dalgası olarak tanımlanabilir. Arap Baharı ilk kez Tunus’ta Muhammed
Bouzazi’nin kendini yakmasıyla vuku bulmuştur. Arap dünyasında yaşanan işsizlik
sendromu, enflasyon, siyasette başlayan yozlaşmalar akabinde ifade özgürlüğünün
olmayışı ve kötü yaşam koşulları eylemlerin ve protestoların yayılmasında etkili
olmuştur. Bazı Arap ülkelerinde (Bahreyn, Suriye, Yemen, İsrail, Cezayir, Irak,
İran, Fas) büyük çaplı protestolar meydana gelirken bazılarında ise ( Kuveyt,
Lübnan, Moritanya, Suudi Arabistan, Batı Sahra) küçük çaplı protestolar
yapılmıştır. 18 Aralık 2010’da başlayan bu halk direnişi özellikle Tunus ve Mısır’da
ihtilalle sonuçlanırken Libya’da Kaddafi rejimini deviren bir iç savaş olarak
karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu zaman diliminde Libya’da Kaddafi yönetiminin çok
sayıda masum sivili katletmesi sonucu uluslararası kamuoyu harekete geçmiştir.
Demokrasiyi hiç yaşayamamış ve 42 yıllık Kaddafi yönetimine son vermek isteyen
halk, Arap Baharı olarak bilinen halk hareketiyle rejimi yıkmayı başarmıştır.
Demokrasi adına atılan bu adımlar tüm dünyada ve uluslararası arenada büyük
destek görmüştür. Bu çalışma, kavramsal çerçeveyle birlikte Libya’nın
demokratikleşme sürecini ve karşılaşılan sorunları gün ışığına çıkarmayı
Arab Spring and Libya
ABSTRACT: Emerging as a result of the people's reaction towards the pressure authority against the oppressive and dictatorial governments experienced in the Arab world, the Arab Spring can be defined as a wave of democratization. The Arab Spring occurred for the first time in Tunisia when Mohammed Bouzazi burned himself. Unemployment syndrome experienced in the Arab world, inflation, the lack of freedom of expression and poor living conditions caused due to the corruption in the politics area became effective in the spread of actions and protests. While large-scale protests took place in some Arab countries (Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Israel, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Morocco), small-scale protests have been held in some countries (Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Western Sahara). While this resistance of peoples, which started on December 18, 2010, resulted in a revolution, especially in Tunisia and Egypt, it appears as a civil war in Libya that overthrew the Gaddafi regime. In this period of time, the international public took action as a result of massacring of many innocent civilians by the Qaddafi administration in Libya. The people, who could not live democracy at all until that day and wanted to put an end to the 42-year-old Gaddafi rule, managed to overthrow the regime with the people movement known as the Arab Spring. These steps taken in the name of democracy have received great support all over the world and in the international arena. This study aims to bring to light the democratization process of Libya and the problems encountered in Libya together with the conceptual framework.
ABSTRACT: Emerging as a result of the people's reaction towards the pressure authority against the oppressive and dictatorial governments experienced in the Arab world, the Arab Spring can be defined as a wave of democratization. The Arab Spring occurred for the first time in Tunisia when Mohammed Bouzazi burned himself. Unemployment syndrome experienced in the Arab world, inflation, the lack of freedom of expression and poor living conditions caused due to the corruption in the politics area became effective in the spread of actions and protests. While large-scale protests took place in some Arab countries (Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, Israel, Algeria, Iraq, Iran, Morocco), small-scale protests have been held in some countries (Kuwait, Lebanon, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Western Sahara). While this resistance of peoples, which started on December 18, 2010, resulted in a revolution, especially in Tunisia and Egypt, it appears as a civil war in Libya that overthrew the Gaddafi regime. In this period of time, the international public took action as a result of massacring of many innocent civilians by the Qaddafi administration in Libya. The people, who could not live democracy at all until that day and wanted to put an end to the 42-year-old Gaddafi rule, managed to overthrow the regime with the people movement known as the Arab Spring. These steps taken in the name of democracy have received great support all over the world and in the international arena. This study aims to bring to light the democratization process of Libya and the problems encountered in Libya together with the conceptual framework.
public administration and political science