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Sosyal devlet ilkesi gereği, hak arama özgürlüğünün iyileştirilmesi ve adalete
hızlı erişim için mahkeme dışı çözüm yollarını geliştirmek amacıyla reformlar
yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Söz konusu reformlardan birisi de alternatif uyuşmazlık
çözüm yollarının kullanım alanlarını genişletmektir.
Alternatif uyuşmazlık çözüm yolları, en genel tanımıyla yargılama dışında kalan
her çeşit uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemleri olarak ifade edilebilir. Bir alternatif
uyuşmazlık çözüm yöntemi olan arabuluculuk ülkemizde ilk kez 7 Haziran 2012
tarihinde kabul edilmiş olan 6325 sayılı Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk
Kanunu (HUAK) ile yasalaşmış olup, son zamanlarda arabuluculuk mevzuatıyla ilgili
birçok yenilik getirilmiştir. Mevzuatta meydana gelen değişiklikler nedeniyle
sıkıntıların oluşması kaçınılmazdır. Arabuluculuk kurumunun toplumda daha iyi
özümsenmesi ile yetkin ve etkin arabulucular sayesinde bir sistem oluşana kadar
sıkıntılar gündemde kalacaktır.
Yapılan bu çalışma ile amaçlanan, arabuluculuk kurumunun daha iyi anlaşılması
amacıyla, arabuluculuk sözleşmesinin tüm yönleriyle incelenmesi ve uygulamada
ortaya çıkan mağduriyetlerin önüne geçilmesi için hangi kanuni düzenlemelerin
yapılması gerektiği konusunda fikir vermektir.
Mediation Contract
ABSTRACT: In line with the principle of the social state, reforms have been initiated to improve the freedom to seek rights and to develop out-of-court remedies for quick access to justice. One of the reforms is to expand the use of alternative dispute resolution methods. Alternative dispute resolution methods can be defined as all kinds of dispute resolution methods other than judging. Mediation, an alternative dispute resolution method, has been enacted with the Law No. 6325 on Mediation in Civil Disputes (HUAK), which was accepted for the first time in our country on 7 June 2012, and many innovations have been introduced recently regarding mediation legislation. It is inevitable to face with shortcomings due to changes in legislation. The problems will remain on the agenda until a system is formed, with better integration of the mediation agency in the society and thanks to competent and effective mediators. The aim of this study is to evaluate the mediation agreement in all aspects with the purpose of better interpretation of the mediation institution and to give an idea about which legal arrangements should be made in order to prevent the resulting grievances in practice.
ABSTRACT: In line with the principle of the social state, reforms have been initiated to improve the freedom to seek rights and to develop out-of-court remedies for quick access to justice. One of the reforms is to expand the use of alternative dispute resolution methods. Alternative dispute resolution methods can be defined as all kinds of dispute resolution methods other than judging. Mediation, an alternative dispute resolution method, has been enacted with the Law No. 6325 on Mediation in Civil Disputes (HUAK), which was accepted for the first time in our country on 7 June 2012, and many innovations have been introduced recently regarding mediation legislation. It is inevitable to face with shortcomings due to changes in legislation. The problems will remain on the agenda until a system is formed, with better integration of the mediation agency in the society and thanks to competent and effective mediators. The aim of this study is to evaluate the mediation agreement in all aspects with the purpose of better interpretation of the mediation institution and to give an idea about which legal arrangements should be made in order to prevent the resulting grievances in practice.
private law