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Çözülen ve çöken bir imparatorluktan ulus devlete doğru giden bir
süreç vardır. Osmanlı aydınları imparatorluğun çözülüşünü görmektedir.
Ortaya koydukları çözümler imparatorluğun sistemi içinde ve onu ayakta
tutmaya yöneliktir. Bu çabalarda aydınlanmanın etkileri görülmektedir.
Modernleştirici uygulamalarda söz konusudur. Fakat bu çözüm çabaları
yıkılması engellenemeyecek bir imparatorluğun ayakta kalmasını
Toplumlar tabi oldukları tarihin değişme ve gelişme yasalarını göz ardı
etmektedir. Tarihin yasaları imparatorluklar dönemini kapatmakta ve ulus
devletleri tarih sahnesine çıkarmaktadır. Kurtuluş Savaşı’nı yürüten kadrolar
başta Mustafa Kemal Atatürk olmak üzere imparatorluğun ayakta
tutulamayacağını görmüştür. Çabalarını modern bir ulus devleti ortaya
çıkarma yönünde yoğunlaştırmışlar ve Kurtuluş Savaşı’na önderlik ederek
bağımsız bir devletin kuruluşunu gerçekleştirmişlerdir.
Bu Cumhuriyeti kurarken etkilendikleri tarihsel olayların başında 1789
Fransız Devrimi ve onun aydınlanma felsefesi gelmektedir. Bu etkilenim Türk
toplumunun modernleşme çabalarında çok açık bir şekilde görülmüştür.
Gerçekten bu devrim Osmanlı’dan devraldığı sorunları bütünüyle
çözememiştir. Osmanlı’dan devralınan sorunların bütünüyle çözülmesi de
günümüze kadar devam eden sorunların-sıkıntıların kaynağı olmuştur.
ABSTRACT: There is a period moving towards to national state from weakening and collapsing empire. Intellectual people of Ottoman Empire saw the weakening of the empire. Solutions that they put forward were within the system of the empire and oriented to sustain its life. Effects of enlightenment were realized in these efforts. Applications for modernization are in question, too. However these solution efforts aim at sustaining the life of the empire, the collapse of which could not be prevented. Societies have ignored the change and development laws of the history to which they are subject. Period of Empires ends according to the laws of the history and nation states begin to appear on the stage. Groups leading the War of Independence and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as being in the first place realized that empire could not sustain its governance anymore. They concentrated on establishing a modern nation state and they achieved to establish an independent state by taking the lead in the War of Independence. 1789 French Revolution and its enlightenment philosophy are one of the top historical events that they were influenced while establishing this Republic. This influence was recognized in the modernization efforts of the Turkish Society. In fact, this revolution could not exactly solve the problems that passed from the Ottoman Empire. Solving the problems that are taken over from the Ottoman Empire becomes the source of problems- troubles that has lasted until our era.
ABSTRACT: There is a period moving towards to national state from weakening and collapsing empire. Intellectual people of Ottoman Empire saw the weakening of the empire. Solutions that they put forward were within the system of the empire and oriented to sustain its life. Effects of enlightenment were realized in these efforts. Applications for modernization are in question, too. However these solution efforts aim at sustaining the life of the empire, the collapse of which could not be prevented. Societies have ignored the change and development laws of the history to which they are subject. Period of Empires ends according to the laws of the history and nation states begin to appear on the stage. Groups leading the War of Independence and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as being in the first place realized that empire could not sustain its governance anymore. They concentrated on establishing a modern nation state and they achieved to establish an independent state by taking the lead in the War of Independence. 1789 French Revolution and its enlightenment philosophy are one of the top historical events that they were influenced while establishing this Republic. This influence was recognized in the modernization efforts of the Turkish Society. In fact, this revolution could not exactly solve the problems that passed from the Ottoman Empire. Solving the problems that are taken over from the Ottoman Empire becomes the source of problems- troubles that has lasted until our era.
public administration and political science