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Anonim şirketin haklı sebeple feshi, Türk hukukunda ilk kez 6102 sayılı Türk
Ticaret Kanununun 531. maddesinde düzenlenmiştir. Azınlık pay sahipleri tarafından
açılacak fesih davasında, haklı sebebin varlığı hâlinde, mahkeme, kendisine tanınan
takdir yetkisi kapsamında, şirketin feshine veya duruma uygun düşen ve kabul
edilebilir alternatif çözümlere hükmedebilecektir. TTK md. 531’in nihai amacı, haklı
sebebin varlığı hâlinde, gerekli olduğu ölçüde azınlığın korunması ve bu suretle
mümkün olduğu ölçüde şirket varlığının korunarak devamlılığının sağlanmasıdır.
Maddenin kenar başlığında, her ne kadar “fesih” kelimesi yer alsa da, kanun
koyucunun esas amacı, anonim şirketi ayakta tutmak ve şirket faaliyetlerini kesintiye
Anonim şirketi yaşatmak ana ilke olsa da, hâkim, şirketi temelinden
değiştirecek ve başkalaştıracak müdahalelerde bulunamaz. Aksi takdirde, yaşatılan
davalı anonim şirket değil, mahkemenin eliyle oluşturulan başka bir şirket olur.
Mahkemenin fesih davasındaki görevi, şirketteki hastalığı teşhis ve tedavi etmektir.
Tedavi için gerekli kararlar verilerek şirket sağlığına kavuşturulmalıdır. Ancak,
mahkemeden beklenen, kadavrayı tekrar diriltmeye çalışması veya bunun yerine başka
bir bedeni koyması değildir.
Dissolution of Joint-Stock Company with a Just Cause
ABSTRACT: Dissolution of joint-stock company with a just cause is first regulated in article 531 of the law no. 6102 Turkish Code of Commerce. In the lawsuit for dissolution by the minority shareholders, if there is a just cause, the court, within the scope of the discretionary right given to it, will be able to rule on the company's dissolution or rule alternative solutions that is suitable for the occasion and that is acceptable for the situation in hand. The ultimate aim of article 531 is to protect the minority in the presence of a just cause to the extent required and to ensure the continuity of the company's existence as far as possible. Even though the word “dissolution” is used in the title line of the article, the final purpose of the legislator is to sustain the joint-stock company and to prevent the suspention of its transactions. Although the keystone is to sustain the company, the judge cannot intervene by changing or transfiguring the foundation of the company in question. Otherwise, it is not the defendant joint-stock company that is sustained, but it is a new company that is established by the hands of the court. The court’s duty in the dissolution lawsuit is to diagnose and cure the disease. The necessary decisions must be made and the company must be rehabilitated. However, it is not expected from the court to try to resurrect the cadaver or replace it with another body.
ABSTRACT: Dissolution of joint-stock company with a just cause is first regulated in article 531 of the law no. 6102 Turkish Code of Commerce. In the lawsuit for dissolution by the minority shareholders, if there is a just cause, the court, within the scope of the discretionary right given to it, will be able to rule on the company's dissolution or rule alternative solutions that is suitable for the occasion and that is acceptable for the situation in hand. The ultimate aim of article 531 is to protect the minority in the presence of a just cause to the extent required and to ensure the continuity of the company's existence as far as possible. Even though the word “dissolution” is used in the title line of the article, the final purpose of the legislator is to sustain the joint-stock company and to prevent the suspention of its transactions. Although the keystone is to sustain the company, the judge cannot intervene by changing or transfiguring the foundation of the company in question. Otherwise, it is not the defendant joint-stock company that is sustained, but it is a new company that is established by the hands of the court. The court’s duty in the dissolution lawsuit is to diagnose and cure the disease. The necessary decisions must be made and the company must be rehabilitated. However, it is not expected from the court to try to resurrect the cadaver or replace it with another body.
private law