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Dünya tarihinin en önemli günleri arasında yer 11 Eylül 2001, ABD’ye yeni bir dünya
düzenini kurması hedefinde önemli bir katkı sağlamıştır. 11 Eylül olaylarıyla yeniden dizayn
edilmek istenilen dünya düzeninde “Sovyet’’ korkusu yerini terörün soğuk ve ürkütücü
yüzüne bırakmıştır.
ABD’nin 43. başkanı olan ve 2001 seçimlerinde Clinton’ın döneminden hoşnutsuz
olup, gelir kaybına uğrayan ve onun dönemindeki liberal aşırılıklardan rahatsızlık duyan orta
sınıfın desteği ile Florida’da oy sayımı sırasında yaşanan karmaşanın ardından Yüksek
Mahkeme’nin kararıyla ABD tarihindeki en tartışmalı ve şaibeli başkanlık seçimlerini
kazanmayı başaran Bush, babası gibi realist çizgiden sapmadan askeri güce dayalı bir
hâkimiyet peşinde koştu.
Bu dönemde uluslararası ilişkiler yeniden şekillenmiş, tek kutuplu dünya düzeninde
lideri George W. Bush ile tahakküme dayalı bir hegemonik dünya düzeni kurmaya çalışan
ABD, dünya kamuoyunun tepkisi kazanırken, geçmişteki müttefiklerinin birçoğunun
desteğini de yitirmiş, yüzlerce milyon insan tarafından da ‘’büyük düşman’’ olarak
algılanmaya başlanmıştır.
ABD kamuoyunda, Bush başkanlığındaki 8 yıllık dönemde ülkelerinin dünya
genelindeki imajları ve terörle mücadele adı altında dünyayı yeniden şekillendirme
çalışmalarının başarısızlığı ve mali faturalarının tepkisini seçimlerde göstermiş daha ılımlı dış
politika yürüteceğini ifade eden Demokrat Barack Obama’yı iktidara getirmiştir. Başkan
Obama, uluslararası uzlaşmaya önem veren barıştan yana, uzlaşmacı, demokratik değerlerin
ön planda olduğu ABD imajı yaratmak isteyen bir lider profili çizmeyi hedeflemiş ve bu
yönde çalışmalarını yürütmektedir.
Bush sonrası iktidara gelen Obama ise özellikle Müslüman coğrafyalarda zirveye
tırmanan ABD düşmanlığını ve ülkesinin olumsuz imajını azaltmak, tekrar yitirilen sempatiyi
kazanmak için çeşitli yollar denerken, ‘’büyük düşman’’ ilan edilen terörizmle mücadeleyi de
aksatmadan sürdürmektedir. Obama, Bush’un aksine ılımlı politikalarıyla rızaya dayalı bir
hegemonya peşinden koşmaktadır.
Her iki lider de medyayı en etkin şekilde kullanmış ve dünya kamuoyuna mesajlarını
en etkin kitle iletişim araçlarıyla ulaştırmışlardır. ABD’nin gücü, bilinçli seçilen görseller
kullanarak, sürekli tekrarlarla tüm dünyanın zihnine nakşedildi.
The Comparison of the Presentation of the Conquest of
Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden to the International Public Opinion within the
Concept of Hegemony
ABSTRACT: 11 September 2001 that is one of the most important days among the world history days contributes to the USA to constitute a new world order. Although people wanted to redesign the world order with the events of 11 September, the fear of Soviet gave way to the fearful and cold face of terrorism. Bush, who is the 43th President of the USA, was discontent with the government of Clinton. He achieved to win the election, which is the most controversial and shady in the history of USA, with the Supreme Courts decision after the commotion during the elections in Florida, and he won it with the support of middle-class people who lost their revenues during Clinton period, and were troubled with the liberal extremeness, and then he exercised a sovereignty which was based on the military power without changing his realist style as his father. In this period, international relations were reshaped, and USA, which is trying to construct hegemonic world order based on the domination with its President in the single pole world order, was perceived as the biggest enemy by hundreds millions of people, and it lost the support of its old allies in the past. The public opinion of USA elected democrat Barack Obama who expressed moderate foreign policy, and the public opinion showed reaction to financial bill, and failure of the constructing a new world order under the name of war on terrorism, and tarnishing their countrys image in the Bush period. President Obamas aim was to construct an image of USA which gave importance to international settlement, reconciliatory, and democratic, and he maintained his mission according to this aim. Obama who won the election after Bush, tired various ways to regain the lost sympathy, and decrease the hostility towards USA especially in the Muslim countries, and he maintained the struggle against the big enemy, terrorism. Obama, unlike Bush, has maintained hegemony based on consent with his moderate politics. Both of them used media actively, and sent effectively their messages to world public opinion. The power of USA was proved repeatedly all around the world by using visuals chosen consciously.
ABSTRACT: 11 September 2001 that is one of the most important days among the world history days contributes to the USA to constitute a new world order. Although people wanted to redesign the world order with the events of 11 September, the fear of Soviet gave way to the fearful and cold face of terrorism. Bush, who is the 43th President of the USA, was discontent with the government of Clinton. He achieved to win the election, which is the most controversial and shady in the history of USA, with the Supreme Courts decision after the commotion during the elections in Florida, and he won it with the support of middle-class people who lost their revenues during Clinton period, and were troubled with the liberal extremeness, and then he exercised a sovereignty which was based on the military power without changing his realist style as his father. In this period, international relations were reshaped, and USA, which is trying to construct hegemonic world order based on the domination with its President in the single pole world order, was perceived as the biggest enemy by hundreds millions of people, and it lost the support of its old allies in the past. The public opinion of USA elected democrat Barack Obama who expressed moderate foreign policy, and the public opinion showed reaction to financial bill, and failure of the constructing a new world order under the name of war on terrorism, and tarnishing their countrys image in the Bush period. President Obamas aim was to construct an image of USA which gave importance to international settlement, reconciliatory, and democratic, and he maintained his mission according to this aim. Obama who won the election after Bush, tired various ways to regain the lost sympathy, and decrease the hostility towards USA especially in the Muslim countries, and he maintained the struggle against the big enemy, terrorism. Obama, unlike Bush, has maintained hegemony based on consent with his moderate politics. Both of them used media actively, and sent effectively their messages to world public opinion. The power of USA was proved repeatedly all around the world by using visuals chosen consciously.
international relations