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Bu tezin amacı, Güney Kore'nin nasıl bugün dünyanın 11. büyük ekonomisine
dönüştüğü sürecine dair Park Chung Hee hükümeti dönemindeki kalkınmacı devlet
politikalarının etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca devlet destekli büyük aile şirketleri
olarak tanımlanan Chaebollerin Güney Kore’nin kalkınma planlarının uygulamasında
üstlendiği rollerin ekonomik büyüme üzerinde etkisini incelemektir.
1910-1945 yılları arasında 35 yıl süren Japon sömürge döneminde Chaebollerin
edindiği tecrübeler 1960’lardan itibaren Güney Kore’nin sanayileşme serüveninin
temelini oluşturmuştur. 1950 – 1953 yılları arasında Kore’de yaşanan iç savaş
sırasında ve sonrasında eski Japon işletmeleri devletleştirilmiştir. Devletleştirilen bu
işletmelerin özelleştirilmesi Chaeboller’in gelişmesi için bir zemin oluşturmuştur. Bu
dönemde ABD başta olmak üzere alınan dış yardımlar ise sanayinin gelişiminde
önemli finans kaynakları olmuşlardır. Bu bağlamda, 1953-60’lı yıllar arasında Güney
Kore’nin izlediği ithal ikameci politikalar ile gelişen Chaebollerin 1960’lı yılların
sonunda ihracat odaklı büyümeyi nasıl sağladığı ortaya konulmuştur.
1961-1971 yılları arasında ise Park Chung Hee döneminde uygulanan kalkınmacı
devlet politikaları ele alınmıştır. Bu dönemde bankaların kamulaştırıldığı, yerli ve
yabancı sermayenin tekelleştirildiği ve uygulanan gömülü özerklik politikasıyla
devletin rolü ve önemi ortaya konulmuştur. Park Chung Hee – Yushin Rejimi
Dönemi’nde (1972-1981) Chaeboller’in devlet tarafından desteklenmesi ve doğru
yönlendirilmeleri sonucunda hafif sanayi üretiminden ağır sanayi üretimine geçişi
Bu tezde Güney Kore devletinin Japon işgal döneminde elde ettiği tecrübelerin ve iç
savaş sonrası aldığı dış yardımların Park Chung Hee döneminde devlet-iş dünyası
arasında başarılı bir şekilde kullanılması ile aynı dönemde uygulanan kalkınmacı
devlet ve gömülü özerklik polikalarının neticesinde ekonomik büyümenin nasıl
gerçekleştirildiği ortaya konulmuştur.
The Role and Importance of Chaebol and Development State
Policy in the South Korean Development Model
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to reveal the impact of developmental state policies during the Park Chung Hee government on how South Korea turned into the world's 11th largest economy today. In addition, the role of Chaebols, which are defined as state supported large family companies, in the implementation of South Korea's development plans, is to examine the effect on economic growth. The experiences of the Chaebols during the 35-year Japanese colonial period between 1910-1945 formed the basis of South Korea's industrialization adventure since the 1960s. During and after the Korean civil war between 1950 and 1953, former Japanese businesses were nationalized. The privatization of these nationalized enterprises laid the groundwork for the development of the Chaebols. In this period, foreign aid received, especially from the USA, became important financial resources in the development of the industry. In this context, it is revealed how Chaebols, which developed with the import substitution policies followed by South Korea between the years 1953-60, achieved export-oriented growth at the end of the 1960s. On the other hand, the developmental state policies implemented in the period of Park Chung Hee between 1961-1971 are discussed. In this period, the role and importance of the state was revealed with the nationalization of banks, the monopolization of domestic and foreign capital, and the embedded autonomy policy implemented. During the Park Chung Hee – Yushin Regime (1972-1981), the transition of Chaebols from light industry production to heavy industry production as a result of government support and correct guidance was examined. In this thesis, we examine how the experience of the South Korean state during the Japanese occupation period and the foreign aid it received after the civil war were successfully used between the state and the business world in the Park Chung Hee period, and how economic growth was achieved as a result of the developmental state and embedded autonomy policies implemented in the same period.
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to reveal the impact of developmental state policies during the Park Chung Hee government on how South Korea turned into the world's 11th largest economy today. In addition, the role of Chaebols, which are defined as state supported large family companies, in the implementation of South Korea's development plans, is to examine the effect on economic growth. The experiences of the Chaebols during the 35-year Japanese colonial period between 1910-1945 formed the basis of South Korea's industrialization adventure since the 1960s. During and after the Korean civil war between 1950 and 1953, former Japanese businesses were nationalized. The privatization of these nationalized enterprises laid the groundwork for the development of the Chaebols. In this period, foreign aid received, especially from the USA, became important financial resources in the development of the industry. In this context, it is revealed how Chaebols, which developed with the import substitution policies followed by South Korea between the years 1953-60, achieved export-oriented growth at the end of the 1960s. On the other hand, the developmental state policies implemented in the period of Park Chung Hee between 1961-1971 are discussed. In this period, the role and importance of the state was revealed with the nationalization of banks, the monopolization of domestic and foreign capital, and the embedded autonomy policy implemented. During the Park Chung Hee – Yushin Regime (1972-1981), the transition of Chaebols from light industry production to heavy industry production as a result of government support and correct guidance was examined. In this thesis, we examine how the experience of the South Korean state during the Japanese occupation period and the foreign aid it received after the civil war were successfully used between the state and the business world in the Park Chung Hee period, and how economic growth was achieved as a result of the developmental state and embedded autonomy policies implemented in the same period.
international relations