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Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın dünya ticaretine verdiği zarar sonrası, ülkeler
arasındaki dengelerin yeniden sağlanması, yatırımların artması ve küresel standartların
oluşturulması gayesi ile bir araya gelen özel girişimciler, 1919 yılında ICC’yi
kurmuştur. Pek çok ülkenin özel sektör temsilcileri, meslek odaları, bankacılık, finans
ve hukuk uzmanlarından oluşan ve her geçen gün artan geniş üye ağı, ICC’yi dünyanın
en büyük iş organizasyonu haline getirmiştir. ICC, dünyada ticaretin daha adil ve daha
serbest bir düzende yapılabilmesi, ülkeler arasındaki farklı uygulamaların standardize
edilmesi ve ortak iş kurallarının oluşturulması amacıyla faaliyetlerini yürütmektedir.
ICC, dünya ticaretini kolaylaştırmak ve uygulama birliği oluşturabilmek için,
farklı konularda ortak normlar geliştirmektedir. Bunların en önemli ve en
kapsamlılarının başında INCOTERMS Kuralları gelmektedir. Bu kurallar, farklı ticari
kültürlere sahip ithalatçı ve ihracatçıların, alım satım sürecindeki yorum
farklılıklarının önüne geçmek amacıyla, yükümlüklerini, risklerini ve katlanmak
durumunda oldukları masrafları düzenlemektedir. INCOTERMS kuralları, uluslararası
ticarette yaşanan değişiklikler ve kullanılan dönemin ihtiyaçlarına göz önünde
bulundurularak belirli aralıklarla revize edilerek iş dünyasının kullanımına
Son on yıldır kullanımda olan INCOTERMS 2010 kuralları, pek çok bakımdan
ele alınmış ve yeni bir düzenlemeye ihtiyaç olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Milli komiteler ve
üyelerden gelen geri bildirimler ve talepler ışığında, yaklaşık 3 yıl süren kapsamlı bir
çalışma ile INCOTERMS 2020 kuralları hazırlanmıştır. 1 Ocak 2020 itibariyle
yürürlüğe giren kurallar, günümüz ihtiyaçlarından yola çıkarak hazırlanmış olması
nedeniyle, şuana kadar hazırlanmış en verimli kurallardır.
Bu çalışma ile dünyanın en önemli uluslararası örgütlerinden biri olan ICC ve
küresel iş dünyasının en çok kullanılan kuralları olan INCOTERMS, tarihsel gelişim
süreci içerisinde mercek altına alınmıştır. Çalışmanın asıl amacını teşkil eden
INCOTERMS 2020 revizyonu ise, hazırlık süreci ve getirdiği değişiklikler
bakımından ele alınmış, INCOTERMS 2010 versiyonu ile mukayese edilmiş ve bu
yeni kurallar ile tarafların yükümlülüklerindeki dağılımı detaylıca incelenmiştir.
Development Of Incoterms Rules And A Review Of The
Incoterms 2020 Regulation
ABSTRACT: After the damage caused to the world trade by the First World War, entrepreneurs who came together in order to restore the balances between countries, increase investments and establish global standards founded ICC in 1919. Increasing vast network of members, consisting of private sector representatives of many countries, professional chambers, banking, finance and legal experts have made ICC the world's largest business organization. ICC carries out its activities in order to make trade in a fairer and more free form in the world, standardize different practices between countries and establish common business rules. ICC develops common norms on different topics in order to facilitate world trade and to form a unity of practice. INCOTERMS Rules are among the most important and comprehensive of these. These rules regulate the obligations, risks and the expenses in order to prevent interpretation differences in the buying and selling process between importers and exporters with different commercial cultures. INCOTERMS rules are offered to the use of the business world by revising periodically considering the changes in international trade and the needs of the period used. The INCOTERMS 2010 rules, which have been in use for the past ten years, have been addressed in many respects and have found that a new regulation is needed. In the light of feedback and requests from national committees and members, INCOTERMS 2020 rules were prepared with a comprehensive study lasting about 3 years. The rules that came into effect as of January 1, 2020 are the most efficient rules that have been prepared so far, since they were prepared based on today's needs. With this study, ICC, one of the most important international organizations in the world, and Incoterm, the most used rules of the global business world, were scrutinized within the historical development process. The INCOTERMS 2020 revision, which constitutes the main purpose of the study, was handled in terms of the preparation process and the changes it brought, compared with the INCOTERMS 2010 version and the distribution of the parties' obligations with these new rules were examined in detail.
ABSTRACT: After the damage caused to the world trade by the First World War, entrepreneurs who came together in order to restore the balances between countries, increase investments and establish global standards founded ICC in 1919. Increasing vast network of members, consisting of private sector representatives of many countries, professional chambers, banking, finance and legal experts have made ICC the world's largest business organization. ICC carries out its activities in order to make trade in a fairer and more free form in the world, standardize different practices between countries and establish common business rules. ICC develops common norms on different topics in order to facilitate world trade and to form a unity of practice. INCOTERMS Rules are among the most important and comprehensive of these. These rules regulate the obligations, risks and the expenses in order to prevent interpretation differences in the buying and selling process between importers and exporters with different commercial cultures. INCOTERMS rules are offered to the use of the business world by revising periodically considering the changes in international trade and the needs of the period used. The INCOTERMS 2010 rules, which have been in use for the past ten years, have been addressed in many respects and have found that a new regulation is needed. In the light of feedback and requests from national committees and members, INCOTERMS 2020 rules were prepared with a comprehensive study lasting about 3 years. The rules that came into effect as of January 1, 2020 are the most efficient rules that have been prepared so far, since they were prepared based on today's needs. With this study, ICC, one of the most important international organizations in the world, and Incoterm, the most used rules of the global business world, were scrutinized within the historical development process. The INCOTERMS 2020 revision, which constitutes the main purpose of the study, was handled in terms of the preparation process and the changes it brought, compared with the INCOTERMS 2010 version and the distribution of the parties' obligations with these new rules were examined in detail.
international trade and logistics