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Cezaevlerinin başlıca temel amacı hükümlüleri hapsetme olduğundan dolayı,
sürekli denetim altında tutmak düşüncesinin egemen olduğu mekânsal kurgulara
sahiptir. Tarihsel Süreçte benimsenen cezaevi yapılarında kurgulanan mekânlar
sayesinde insanlar sürekli olarak denetim ve gözetim altına alınmış, konuşma
yasakları getirilmiş, mekânların boyutları ile hükümlülere baskı yapılmış, kullanılan
malzemelerin vasat oluşu ile hükümlüler değersizleştirilmiştir. Mekân
organizasyonları birçok hükümlü üzerinde olumsuz sonuçlar doğurmuştur.
20. yy’da cezaevlerinin yeniden değerlendirilmiş, insan hakları doğrultusunda
alınan kararlara uygun ve sağlıklı bir yaşam oluşturma yolunda yeniden
yapılanmıştır. Ayrıca hükümlülere sosyal aktiviteler yaptırılarak devlet ekonomisine
katkıda bulunmaları fırsatı verilmiştir. Teknolojinin gelişmesi ve insan haklarına
verilen önemin artması ile birlikte cezaevlerinin tasarımlarında da değişimler olmuş
ve hükümlülerin cezalarını çekerken aynı zamanda da bir gün dışarıya çıkacak
olduklarından topluma ve kendilerine saygılı bireyler haline getirmek amaçlanmıştır.
Fakat halen daha günümüzde bu düşünce yapısı tam anlamı ile uygulanmamaktadır.
Bu çalışma, cezaevi mekânlarının insan-mekân ilişkisi üzerine mekânsal
algısını ve geliştirilen mekânsal arayışlara yönelik ihtiyaçları araştırmayı
hedeflemektedir. Araştırma kapsamında geliştirilen anket çalışması ile geçmişinde
cezaevinde kalmış ve cezaevini hiç deneyimlememiş katılımcıların verileri
toplanmıştır. Bu veriler ışığında mekân-algı-işlev değerlendirilmeleri yapılmış,
olumlu ve olumsuz yönde gelişen değerlendirmeler tartışılarak mekânsal kurgu
düzenine ve rehabilite çalışmasına yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Spatial Needs And Interior Space Perception In Prison Buildings
ABSTRACT: Since the main purpose of prisons is to imprison convicts, they have spatial setups dominated by the idea of keeping them under constant control. Thanks to the spaces constructed in the prison structures adopted in the historical process, people were constantly kept under control and surveillance, speech bans were imposed, pressure was exerted on the convicts with the dimensions of the spaces, and the convicts were devalued due to the mediocre materials used. Space organizations have had negative consequences on many convicts. In the 20th century, prisons were re-evaluated and restructured to create a healthy life in accordance with the decisions taken in line with human rights. In addition, the convicts were given the opportunity to contribute to the state economy by having social activities done. With the development of technology and the increase in the importance given to human rights, there have been changes in the designs of the prisons and it is aimed to make the convicts individuals who are respectful to the society and themselves, as they will go out one day while serving their sentences. However, this mentality is not fully implemented today. This study aims to investigate the spatial perception of prison spaces on the human-space relationship and the spatial needs. With the questionnaire developed within the scope of the research, the data of the participants who have been in prison in the past and have never experienced prison were collected. In the light of these data, space-perception-function evaluations were made, positive and negative evaluations were discussed and suggestions were made for the spatial organization and rehabilitation work.
ABSTRACT: Since the main purpose of prisons is to imprison convicts, they have spatial setups dominated by the idea of keeping them under constant control. Thanks to the spaces constructed in the prison structures adopted in the historical process, people were constantly kept under control and surveillance, speech bans were imposed, pressure was exerted on the convicts with the dimensions of the spaces, and the convicts were devalued due to the mediocre materials used. Space organizations have had negative consequences on many convicts. In the 20th century, prisons were re-evaluated and restructured to create a healthy life in accordance with the decisions taken in line with human rights. In addition, the convicts were given the opportunity to contribute to the state economy by having social activities done. With the development of technology and the increase in the importance given to human rights, there have been changes in the designs of the prisons and it is aimed to make the convicts individuals who are respectful to the society and themselves, as they will go out one day while serving their sentences. However, this mentality is not fully implemented today. This study aims to investigate the spatial perception of prison spaces on the human-space relationship and the spatial needs. With the questionnaire developed within the scope of the research, the data of the participants who have been in prison in the past and have never experienced prison were collected. In the light of these data, space-perception-function evaluations were made, positive and negative evaluations were discussed and suggestions were made for the spatial organization and rehabilitation work.
interior architecture and environmental design