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Ġkinci Dünya SavaĢı ardından meydana gelen çift kutuplu uluslararası
sistemde Amerika BirleĢik Devletleri, hegemonyasını sürdürmek, çıkarlarını
korumak ve güvenliğini sağlamak amacıyla Sovyetler Birliği‘nin yayılma eğilimine
karĢı geliĢtirilen çevreleme politikası olarak adlandırılan stratejisiyle Sovyet
tehdidini sınırlandırmak amacıyla birçok dıĢ politika aracı kullanmıĢtır. Sovyet
tehdidi ardından 1990‘lar itibariyle Asya-Pasifik bölgesinde hızla yükselen Çin, 11
Eylül olayları, Irak ve Afganistan iĢgali ile artan savunma harcamaları dolayısıyla
ekonomik kriz yaĢayan ABD tarafından yeni bir tehdit olarak görülmeye
baĢlanmıĢtır. Bu çalıĢmanın amacı, ABD‘nin Soğuk SavaĢ döneminde Sovyetler
Birliği‘nin yayılmasını önlemek amacıyla uyguladığı çevreleme politikasına benzer
bir Ģekilde 21. yüzyılda Asya Ekseni stratejisiyle yükselen Çin‘e karĢı yeni bir
çevreleme politikasının uygulanmasını ve bunun detaylarını incelemektir.
Pivot to Asia Strategy and USA Containment Policy
Towards China
ABSTRACT: In the bipolar international system that occured after the II. World War, the United States used many foreign policy instruments in order to limit the Soviet threat with its strategy called the containment policy developed against the expansion tendency of the Soviet Union in order to maintain its hegemony, interests and ensure its security. Following the Soviet threat, China, which has risen rapidly in the Asia Pacific region as of the 1990s, has started to be seen as a new threat by the USA which is experiencing an economic crisis due to the September 11 events, the increasing defense expenditures with the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The aim of the study is to analyze a new containment policy against China, which has risen with the Asian Pivot strategy, in the 21st century, similar to the containment policy implemented by the US during the Cold War period to prevent the spread of the Soviet Union.
ABSTRACT: In the bipolar international system that occured after the II. World War, the United States used many foreign policy instruments in order to limit the Soviet threat with its strategy called the containment policy developed against the expansion tendency of the Soviet Union in order to maintain its hegemony, interests and ensure its security. Following the Soviet threat, China, which has risen rapidly in the Asia Pacific region as of the 1990s, has started to be seen as a new threat by the USA which is experiencing an economic crisis due to the September 11 events, the increasing defense expenditures with the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The aim of the study is to analyze a new containment policy against China, which has risen with the Asian Pivot strategy, in the 21st century, similar to the containment policy implemented by the US during the Cold War period to prevent the spread of the Soviet Union.
international relations