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Coğrafi konumu ve siyasi kimliği ile Orta Doğu, tarih boyunca savaşların,
çatışmaların, dinlerin, petrolün ve zenginliğin merkezi olmuştur. Bölge, jeopolitik ve
jeostratejik öneminden dolayı güçlü ülkelerin yayılmacı politikalarına hedef
Dünyada yaşanan değişmeler ve gelişmeler, bölgeyi etkisi altına almıştır. Orta Doğu,
tarih içerisinde demokratikleşme için bazı fırsatlar elde etmiştir. Ancak bölgede
varlığını sürdüren otoriter rejimler, yaşanan sosyo-ekonomik sıkıntılar bu fırsatların
değerlendirilememesine neden olmuştur.
Bölge ülkeleri yaşadıkları sorunlardan çoğu zaman güçlü devletleri sorumlu
tutmuştur. Orta Doğu’da belirledikleri amaçlara ulaşmak isteyen kesimler, dini,
ideolojik bir faktör olarak göstermişlerdir. Yaşanan kargaşalar, işgal altındaki
toplumların isyanları, hem bölgede hem de uluslararası arenada ses getirmiştir.
Bölgede yaşanan gerginlikleri lehine çevirmek isteyen gruplar, zaman içerisinde dini
politize etmeye başlamıştır. Dinin çıkarlara göre yorumlanması, bu olgunun
radikalleşmesine zemin hazırlamıştır.
Politicizing of the Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
ABSTRACT: The Middle East, with its geographical position and political identity, had been the center of wars, conflicts, religions, petroleum and richness throughout history. This area had been a target to the expansionist policies of the powerful countries in view of its geopolitical and geostrategic importance. Changes and developments of the world penetrated into this area. The Middle East, throughout history, has got some opportunities for democratization, but these opportunities could not been evaluated because of authoritative regimes and socio economic problems still available in the area. Countries of this area usually kept responsible the powerful countries from the problems they had been suffering. Some sectors, which are in desire to reach their certain targets, showed the religion as an ideological factor. Suffered disputes, authoritative quarrels, riots of the communities under occupation resounded both in the region and international arena. Some groups that want to benefit from the tension which was suffered in the region started for politicizing of the religion. Interpreting of the religion in line with the interests prepared a ground for radicalization of this fact.
ABSTRACT: The Middle East, with its geographical position and political identity, had been the center of wars, conflicts, religions, petroleum and richness throughout history. This area had been a target to the expansionist policies of the powerful countries in view of its geopolitical and geostrategic importance. Changes and developments of the world penetrated into this area. The Middle East, throughout history, has got some opportunities for democratization, but these opportunities could not been evaluated because of authoritative regimes and socio economic problems still available in the area. Countries of this area usually kept responsible the powerful countries from the problems they had been suffering. Some sectors, which are in desire to reach their certain targets, showed the religion as an ideological factor. Suffered disputes, authoritative quarrels, riots of the communities under occupation resounded both in the region and international arena. Some groups that want to benefit from the tension which was suffered in the region started for politicizing of the religion. Interpreting of the religion in line with the interests prepared a ground for radicalization of this fact.
international relations