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Modern İpek Yolu Projesi (Tek Yol Tek Kuşak) Kapsamında Orta Koridor
Türkiye Yatırımları ve Etkileri adlı bu tez çalışması üç temel kısımdan oluşmaktadır.
Tez içerisinde kullanılan yöntem literatür taramasıdır. Nitel ve ikincil araştırma
yöntemleri kullanılmıştır.
İlk bölümde, İpek Yolunun kavramı, tarihsel gelişimi, önemi, jeopolitik
konumu, etkilediği ülkeler ve rotaları, gelişimi, Türk-Çin ilişkileri tarihine
İkinci bölümde, Modern İpek yolu projesi adı altında tarihi İpek Yolunun
yeniden canlandırılması araştırılmış; araştırma içerisindeki ülkelerin ekonomik açıdan
incelemeleri, üye ülkeler için risk ve fırsat analizi, bu incelemelerin ışığında
Türkiye’nin spesifik konularda yapılan analizleri yer almıştır. Türkiye kolunda yapılan
incelemelerde bilişim, ulaşım, teknoloji bir bütün olarak incelenip, yetersiz kalınan
noktalarda yapılacak yatırımlar ele alınmış; Türk turizmi üzerindeki olumlu etkileri ve
lojistik ağında hali hazırda yapılmış girişimlerle birlikte yapılması gereken yenilikler
takip edilmiştir. Bu çalışma yapılacak çalışmalara yol göstermesi için SWOT ve PEST
Analizleriyle desteklenmiştir.
Üçüncü bölümde, Türkiye’nin bulunduğu orta koridorun incelenmesiyle
beraber ekonomik kemer ve deniz ipek yoluyla uyumlulukları ele alınmıştır. İpek
Yolu’nun yeniden canlandırılması için yapılan çalışmalar kapsamında: TRACECA
projesi, Asya Anakara Projesi, Trans-Asya Demiryolu Projesi, Unece-Unescop
Avrupa Asya Ulaştırma Koridorları, Trans Anadolu Doğalgaz Boru Hattı Projesi
(TANAP), Kuzey-Güney Ulaştırma Koridoru, Ekonomik İş Birliği Teşkilatı Ağı,
Karadeniz Ekonomik İş Birliği Teşkilatı Ağı, Kuzey Güney Avrupa Otoyolu (TEM)
Projesi, Kuzey Güney Avrupa Demiryolu (TER) Projesi, Bakü-Tiflis-Kars Demiryolu
projesi, Marmaray Projesi, Üçüncü Köprü Yavuz Sultan Selim Köprüsü, Kanal
İstanbul Projesi, Avrasya Tüneli, Üç Katlı Büyük İstanbul Projesi gibi büyük öneme
sahip projeler detaylı olarak incelenmiştir. Türkiye'nin siyaset, ticaret, doğrudan
yabancı yatırım ve lojistik gibi potansiyel stratejilerini aydınlatmak için bu bölümde,
her iki ülkenin, Türkiye ve Çin'in, endişeleri ve farklı bakış açılarından bahsedilmiştir.
Ek olarak, gündeme yakın zamanda gelen pandemi sürecinin Modern İpek
Yolu’nun geleceğini ve bu kapsamdaki projeleri olumsuz yönde etkilemesi
incelenmiştir. Gelecek dönemde Çin’in izlemesi gereken politikalar ele alınmıştır.
Belt and Road Initiative (One Belt One Road): Middle
Corridor and Turkey Investments and Effects
ABSTRACT: The method used in the thesis is the literature review. Qualitative and secondary research methods were used. This work consists of three major parts including Ancient Silk Road, Modern Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative), Middle Corridor and Turkey. In the first part of this study, the historical development, importance, geopolitical route and locations, countries and routes that are affected, development of the ancient Silk Road and the history of Turkish-Chinese relations are mentioned. In the second part, the revival of the historical Silk Road was investigated under the name of Modern Silk Road (BRI) project; economic review of the countries that are included in the BRI, risk and opportunity analysis for the member countries and its comparative analysis for Turkey in the light of this specific subject had conducted. In the researches which are made on the Middle Corridor section and Turkey; IT, transportation, technology are analyzed combined, investments that are made on the insufficient segments were discussed; the positive effects on tourism and the innovations that need to be done along with the existing initiatives in the logistics network were investigated. This study was supported by SWOT and PEST Analysis to guide the studies to be conducted. In the third part, the compatibility of the Middle Corridor where Turkey is located through Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road is discussed. Crucial projects including; TRACECA, Trans-Asian Railway Project, Unece-Unescop European Asian Transport Corridors, Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP), North South Transport Corridor, North-South European Highway (TEM) Project, North South European Railway (TER) Project, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Project, Marmaray Project, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Canal Istanbul Project, Eurasia Tunnel etc are analysed in detail, in terms of reviving the ancient Silk Road. Concerns and different perspectives of both countries, Turkey and China, were mentioned in this part in order to enlighten Turkey's potential strategies including politics, trading, direct foreign investment and logistics. In addition to all that, the effect of recent pandemic disease COVID-19 to the long-term process of BRI and the negative effect of the epidemic on the on-going projects within the BRI are mentioned. The policies that China should follow in the upcoming period were discussed.
ABSTRACT: The method used in the thesis is the literature review. Qualitative and secondary research methods were used. This work consists of three major parts including Ancient Silk Road, Modern Silk Road (Belt and Road Initiative), Middle Corridor and Turkey. In the first part of this study, the historical development, importance, geopolitical route and locations, countries and routes that are affected, development of the ancient Silk Road and the history of Turkish-Chinese relations are mentioned. In the second part, the revival of the historical Silk Road was investigated under the name of Modern Silk Road (BRI) project; economic review of the countries that are included in the BRI, risk and opportunity analysis for the member countries and its comparative analysis for Turkey in the light of this specific subject had conducted. In the researches which are made on the Middle Corridor section and Turkey; IT, transportation, technology are analyzed combined, investments that are made on the insufficient segments were discussed; the positive effects on tourism and the innovations that need to be done along with the existing initiatives in the logistics network were investigated. This study was supported by SWOT and PEST Analysis to guide the studies to be conducted. In the third part, the compatibility of the Middle Corridor where Turkey is located through Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road is discussed. Crucial projects including; TRACECA, Trans-Asian Railway Project, Unece-Unescop European Asian Transport Corridors, Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline Project (TANAP), North South Transport Corridor, North-South European Highway (TEM) Project, North South European Railway (TER) Project, Baku-Tbilisi-Kars Railway Project, Marmaray Project, Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Canal Istanbul Project, Eurasia Tunnel etc are analysed in detail, in terms of reviving the ancient Silk Road. Concerns and different perspectives of both countries, Turkey and China, were mentioned in this part in order to enlighten Turkey's potential strategies including politics, trading, direct foreign investment and logistics. In addition to all that, the effect of recent pandemic disease COVID-19 to the long-term process of BRI and the negative effect of the epidemic on the on-going projects within the BRI are mentioned. The policies that China should follow in the upcoming period were discussed.
international trade and logistics