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Manevi zarar, haksız fiil sonucu bir kişinin kişisel varlığında, şahıs varlığında
iradesi dışında meydana gelen eksilmeyi ifade eder. Manevi zarara konu olan kişisel
varlıklardan yaşamı, sağlığı ve bedensel bütünlüğü kişinin maddi kişisel varlıklarını
oluşturmaktadır. Kişinin maddi nitelikte olmayan kişisel varlıklarını ise şeref ve
haysiyeti, ismi, resmi, sesi, özel alanı, özgürlükleri, iktisadi ve ekonomik varlıkları
oluşturmaktadır. Gerek maddi kişisel varlıklara gerek ise maddi nitelikte olmayan
kişisel varlıklara saldırı sebebiyle kişilik hakkının ihlal edilmesi halinde ihlal sebebiyle
oluşan manevi zararın, zarar veren ya da sorumlu olan kişi tarafından giderilmesi
Kişinin bedensel bütünlüğü, fiziki bütünlük, ruhsal bütünlük ve sağlığından
oluşmaktadır. Bedensel bütünlüğü oluşturan bu unsurlar, haksız fiil veya sözleşmeye
aykırılık sebebiyle ihlal edildiği takdirde, oluşan manevi zararın TBK m. 56 uyarınca
hâkim tarafından zarar gören lehine bir miktar para hükmedilerek giderilebileceği
düzenlenmiştir. Ayrıca zarar görende ağır bedensel zarar meydana gelmesi veya zarar
görenin ölmesi halinde ise yakınlarına da manevi tazminat talep etme hakkı
TBK m.56’daki düzenlemede hâkimin, manevi tazminat miktarının
belirlenmesi aşamasında takdir yetkisini kullanırken somut olayın özelliklerini dikkate
alacağı, TMK m.4’deki düzenlemede ise hâkiminin takdir yetkisini kullanırken
hukuka ve hakkaniyete uygun karar vereceği belirtilmiştir.
Bu düzenlemelerle birlikte Yargıtay İçtihadı Birleştirme Genel Kurul
kararlarıyla da manevi tazminat miktarının belirlenmesinde hâkimin göz önünde
bulundurabileceği somut kriterler yaratılma yoluna gidilmiştir. Böylelikle hâkim,
bedensel bütünlüğün ihlali halinde oluşan manevi zararın telafisi için somut olayın
özelliklerine göre, belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda zarar gören lehine manevi
tazminata hükmetmektedir.
Determination of the Amount of Non-Pecuniary Compensation
in Breaches of Body Integrity
ABSTRACT: The non-pecuniary damages are stated as the decrease in personal assets and immaterial values of a person occurring involuntarily as a result of tort. Life, health and body integrity of a person in personel assets which are the subject of non pecuniary damages, constitute tangible personal assets. The intangible personal assets consist of assets which are honor and pride, name, picture, voice, private space, freedom, financial and economical wealth of a person. In case of violation of personal rights, the non-pecuniary damages occurring because of violation are need to be compensated from the person who is in charge and damage because of offense to both tangible personal assets and intangible personal assets. The body integrity of a person comprise of physical, mental integrity and health. The compensation of non-pecuniary damages is arranged by judging a sum of money pursuant to Art. 56 of Turkish Code of Obligations on behalf of injured, when the elements occurring body integrity notion are violated due to torts and being incongruous to contract. Besides, it is right for kinsmen to demand non-pecuniary damages if injured is badly wounded or dead. When the judge uses the power of discretion to determine the amount of the non-pecuniary compensation, it is stated that features of concrete cases will be taken into consideration and when the judge renders a verdict by using power of discretion, it is indicated that judgement will be conform with law and equity. Besides, General Assembly of Unification of Conflicting Case Law in Turkish Court of Appeals has set forth concrete criteria as to the determination of non pecuniary compensation. Thus, the judge renders a verdict according to the features of concrete cases and determined criteria in favor of the damages party in order to compensate non-pecuniary damages in case of the breach of body integrity.
ABSTRACT: The non-pecuniary damages are stated as the decrease in personal assets and immaterial values of a person occurring involuntarily as a result of tort. Life, health and body integrity of a person in personel assets which are the subject of non pecuniary damages, constitute tangible personal assets. The intangible personal assets consist of assets which are honor and pride, name, picture, voice, private space, freedom, financial and economical wealth of a person. In case of violation of personal rights, the non-pecuniary damages occurring because of violation are need to be compensated from the person who is in charge and damage because of offense to both tangible personal assets and intangible personal assets. The body integrity of a person comprise of physical, mental integrity and health. The compensation of non-pecuniary damages is arranged by judging a sum of money pursuant to Art. 56 of Turkish Code of Obligations on behalf of injured, when the elements occurring body integrity notion are violated due to torts and being incongruous to contract. Besides, it is right for kinsmen to demand non-pecuniary damages if injured is badly wounded or dead. When the judge uses the power of discretion to determine the amount of the non-pecuniary compensation, it is stated that features of concrete cases will be taken into consideration and when the judge renders a verdict by using power of discretion, it is indicated that judgement will be conform with law and equity. Besides, General Assembly of Unification of Conflicting Case Law in Turkish Court of Appeals has set forth concrete criteria as to the determination of non pecuniary compensation. Thus, the judge renders a verdict according to the features of concrete cases and determined criteria in favor of the damages party in order to compensate non-pecuniary damages in case of the breach of body integrity.
private law