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  • Article
    Exploring the Critical Risk Factors of Public–Private Partnership City Hospital Projects in Turkey
    (Buildings, 2024-02-10) Doğan Erdem, Tuğba; Birgönül, Zeynep; Bilgin, Gözde; Akçay, Emre Caner
    Governments face challenges in delivering essential public services due to their limited funds. This has led to an increasing reliance on the Public–Private Partnership (PPP) model, an alternative financing model involving a long-term collaboration between the private and public sectors to provide public services. Turkey, as a developing country facing financial limitations, has embraced the PPP model to address urgent public needs. Over the past decade, the Turkish Government has extensively utilized the PPP model, particularly in executing city hospital projects. However, investors have faced challenges in project execution due to various risk factors. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to explore the critical risk factors associated with PPP city hospital projects in Turkey. In this context, a comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify potential risks related to PPP city hospital projects. A questionnaire survey was implemented to assess the probability of occurrence and the severity of the impact of these risk factors. The collected data underwent analysis to determine the priority of these risk factors. The findings revealed that the top five most critical risk factors in PPP city hospital projects in Turkey are “foreign exchange rate fluctuations”, “inflation rate volatility”, “high finance costs”, “fiscal issues”, and “economic crises”. Conversely, “unavailability of equipment” was identified as the least significant risk factor. The insights gained from this research can offer valuable guidance for prospective investors interested in participating in PPP city hospital projects in Turkey and other developing countries with similar conditions.
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    A Comparative Analysis of the Criteria for Choosing Sustainable Materials for Façades in Turkey and the European Union
    (Sustainability, 2024-02-11) Daşkın, Haney Başak; Bărbulescu, Alina; Muntean, Radu; Akçay, Emre Caner
    One of the primary contributors to energy consumption is the construction industry. To address the urgent demand for eco-friendly approaches in this field, this study conducted an investigation on Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify the criteria for selecting sustainable materials for façades. Three groups of criteria were derived after a systematic review: Environmental, Social/economic and Technical. The main goal of the research was to answer the question of whether there are differences in these materials’ selection between Turkey and European Union countries. After applying statistical tests, it was found that there are significant differences in selecting eco-friendly material only from the social/economic perspective. The most important sub-criterion is the economic cost. Comparisons with results from China and US confirm this finding.
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    Real Options Valuation of Photovoltaic Investments: A case from Turkey
    (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023-12-21) Or, Bartu; Bilgin, Gözde; Akçay, Emre Caner; Dikmen, İrem; Birgönül, M. Talat
    Investments in renewable energy resources have become inevitable due to increasing energy demand and energy prices, diminishing non-renewable energy resources, and the outgrowth of carbon footprints. Photovoltaic (PV) systems offer high solar energy potential in sustainable energy production whereas their high initial costs necessitate critical strategic valuation of investments. Valuation with conventional methods has been challenging due to existence of uncertainties such as fluctuating PV panel prices, changing meteorological conditions with certain effects on power generation, and governmental policies on energy market regulations. This study aims to propose a real options approach to valuation of residential rooftop PV system investments considering these uncertainties and demonstrate benefits of this approach with an application on the residential PV investment decisions in Turkey. The proposed method, Real Options Valuation (ROV) with Least-Squares Monte Carlo Simulation (LSMC) considers the deferral option of the investor by utilizing stochastic simulations, the discounted cash flow method, linear regression, and backward dynamic programming and thus evaluates the effects of uncertainties on financial attractiveness of residential PV investments. The case study findings proved that ROV with LSMC having a 7-years deferral option supported the investment decision with realizable cost-effective options while “NPV method” resulted in an infeasible investment. Scenario analysis was also conducted to explore policy options that can be used to promote solar energy investments in Turkey. This study has a potential to have practical contributions for investors as well as implications for policy-makers.
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    Influence of Cement Replacement by Calcinated Kaolinitic and Montmorillonite Clays on the Properties of Mortars
    (Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2023-07-06) Al-Noaimat, Yazeed A.; Akış, Tolga
    This study aims to investigate the decomposition and pozzolanic reactivity of two different clays (kaolinitic and montmorillonite) from different origins and to determine their effects after calcination on the properties of cement mortars when used to replace Portland cement partially. Mineralogical and chemical compositions of the clay samples were determined using XRD (X-Ray Diffractometer) and XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) tests, respectively. TG-DTA (Thermogravimetry-Differential Thermal Analyses) was used to determine the temperature profiles and the burning temperatures of the clays. The density and fineness of the burnt clays were also determined. In order to investigate the optimum material properties, different burning temperatures and replacement levels were considered. It was found that for all temperatures, the two burnt clays possess good pozzolanic activity. The highest compressive strength and lowest water absorption capacity were achieved when the clay determined as kaolinitic was burned at 700 °C and with 10% replacement level. While for the clay determined as montmorillonite, the optimum properties were obtained at 700 °C with a 20% substitution level. Kaolinite had better pozzolanic reactivity than montmorillonite, achieving higher strength performance with lower water absorption when partially replaced with cement. Moreover, it had compressive strength values even higher than plain cement.
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    A site survey of damaged RC buildings in İzmir after the Aegean sea earthquake on October 30, 2020
    (Gradevinar, 2023-06-10) Mertol, Halit Cenan; Tunç, Gökhan; Akış, Tolga
    An earthquake with a magnitude of Mw = 6.6 and a depth of approximately 16.5 km occurred on 30 October 2020 off the cost of Samos, a Greek island 35 km southwest of Seferihisar, a town in İzmir. The earthquake caused several collapses and severe structural damage in approximately 6,000 buildings, specifically in the Bayraklı District in İzmir Bay. This paper presents the observations and findings of a technical team that visited the earthquake-affected areas immediately after an earthquake. Eleven partially or fully collapsed buildings and several severely damaged reinforced concrete buildings were investigated. Based on the site observations, we observed that almost all of the collapsed or severely damaged reinforced concrete buildings in the region were built between 1975 and 2000. Site observations also confirmed that the construction of these collapsed or damaged buildings did not conform to the requirements outlined in the Turkish Earthquake Codes used at the time. The failures and severe damage to buildings in earthquake-affected areas are primarily related to inadequate reinforcement configuration, poor material quality, the absence of geotechnical studies, and framing problems related to their lateral load-carrying systems. Therefore, it is recommended that all the buildings located in and around İzmir Bay, particularly those built between 1975 and 2000, be structurally evaluated to prevent any further loss of life and property during future earthquakes.
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    Investigation of RC Buildings after 6 February 2023, Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye Earthquakes
    (Buildings, 2023-07-13) Mertol, Halit Cenan; Tunç, Gökhan; Akış, Tolga; Kantekin, Yunus; Aydın, İshak Can
    Two major earthquakes struck Pazarcık and Elbistan, towns in Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye, on 6 February 2023, approximately 9 h apart. The first earthquake, recorded at 04:17 local time, had a Mw = 7.7, with a focal depth of 8.6 km. At 13:24 local time, a second earthquake occurred with Mw = 7.6 at a focal depth of 7 km, approximately 90 km north of the first one. A total of 11 provinces were severely affected by these earthquakes. As of 15 April 2023, they caused close to 51,000 deaths and almost 215,000 completely destroyed/severely damaged buildings. At some locations, the largest horizontal peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of the first and second earthquakes exceeded the code-generated PGAs by almost 3 and 1.75 times, respectively. A technical team visited these areas within 15 h of the first earthquake. The purpose of this article is to present their observations, findings, and the characteristics of the two earthquakes, with comprehensive site survey results supported by photographs. This study concludes that most of the collapsed and severely/moderately damaged buildings in the region were built between 1975 and 2000, when site inspections were rare or non-existent. In addition to the high PGAs recorded in these earthquakes, it was verified that the design and construction of these buildings did not fully comply with the earthquake codes valid at the time. The collapsed buildings and their damage patterns confirm inadequate development length, violation of bending stirrup ends at 135°, deficiencies in construction materials and reinforcement configuration, noncompliance with confinement zones, violation of the strong beam-stronger column analogy, and issues related to building inspection. Based on the extent of the damage, it is strongly recommended that the structural performance inspection of all other buildings located near major fault lines, specifically those constructed between 1975 and 2000, should be completed. Since these earthquakes generated much higher PGAs, which is believed to be one of the main reasons for the extensive damage, a re-evaluation of all other PGAs along major fault lines is also recommended.
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    A Close Examination of Ankara’s Reinforced Concrete Buildings Designed and Constructed between 1923 and 1938
    (Buildings, 2023-01) Tunç, Gökhan; Tunç, Tanfer Emin
    The Republic of Turkey was established in 1923 out of the remains of the Ottoman Empire. Between 1923 and 1938, the Turkish republic underwent fifteen years of rapid expansion and growth, with Ankara as its new capital and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881–1938) as its first president. During this period, reinforced concrete (RC) played a significant role in the construction of Ankara’s public-use buildings. This study focuses on 57 of these structures, built either partially, or entirely, out of RC. The buildings are classified with respect to their duration, soil properties, foundation types, structural design details, construction types, materials and overall costs. In order to provide a better picture of the time period in which these buildings were designed and constructed, the technical, financial and political aspects of the projects, and the difficulties and challenges involved in their design and construction, are also discussed. Furthermore, this study outlines the impact of foreign engineers, construction workers, firms and the educational system on the development of civil engineering and use of RC in Turkey.
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    A standard benchmarking suite for structural optimization algorithms: ISCSO 2016-2022
    (Structures, 2023-12) Kazemzadeh Azad, Sina; Kazemzadeh Azad, Saeid
    Benchmarking is an essential part of developing efficient structural optimization techniques. Despite the advent of numerous metaheuristic techniques for solving truss optimization problems, benchmarking new algorithms is often carried out using a selection of classic test examples which are indeed unchallenging for contemporary sophisticated optimization algorithms. Furthermore, the limited optimization results available in the literature on new test examples are usually not accurately comparable. This is typically due to the lack of infromation about the performance of the investigated algorithms and the inconsistencies between the studies in terms of adopted test examples for benchmarking, optimization problem formulation, maximum number of objective function evaluations and other similar issues. Accordingly, there exists a need for developing new standard test suites composed of easily reproducible challenging test examples with rigorous and comparable performance evaluation results of algorithms on these test suites. To this end, the present work aims to propose a new baseline for benchmarking structural optimization algorithms, using a set of challenging sizing and shape optimization problems of truss structures selected from the international student competition in structural optimization (ISCSO) instances. The most recent six structural optimization examples from the ISCSO are tackled using a representative metaheuristic structural optimization algorithm. The statistical results of all the optimization runs using the proposed benchmarking suite are provided to pave the way for more rigorous benchmarking of structural optimization algorithms.
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    A Transformative Solution for Construction Safety: Blockchain-based System for Accident Information Management
    (Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 2023-07-05) Ahmadisheykhsarmast, Salar; Aminbakhsh, Saman; Sönmez, Rıfat; Uysal, Furkan
    Effective management of accident information is a crucial component of safety management within the construction industry, as it reflects the safety performance of the company and allows them to identify the root causes of accidents and prevent similar accidents in the future. However, existing safety information systems provide self-owned, isolated, and centralized environments and fail to present a secure, transparent, and trustworthy platform for monitoring and management of accident information. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel decentralized blockchain-based system for accident/incident information management of construction projects. The proposed system leverages the benefits and advantages of blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized IPFS storage to address the security transparency, tampering, and trustworthiness issues of the conventional approaches. The proposed system is simulated by using real-world construction accident data to demonstrate how blockchain technology can provide a novel solution to assure security, transparency, authenticity, availability, and immutability of the accident/incident data for improving safety management.
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    Consistency of Spatiotemporal Variability of MODIS and ERA5-Land Surface Warming Trends over Complex Topography
    (Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2023-09) Yılmaz, Meriç
    In this study, the trend of widely used MODIS MxD11 and MxD21 Land Surface Temperature (LST) and ERA5-Land Skin Temperature (SKT) and 2 m air temperature products were validated using 2 m air temperature trends obtained by ground observations from 266 stations in 2000–2021 over Turkey, known to have complex topography. The results show that colder regions have substantially higher temporal temperature variability than warmer ones. MxD21 and MxD11 products are 4.4 °C and 2.9 °C warmer than ERA5-Land products, respectively, while ERA5-Land products (SKT and 2 m) have nearly similar averages (12.5 °C). The consistency between MODIS and ERA5-Land data is significantly lower over areas with more complex topography and irrigation activities, despite the fact that the products show a high linear relationship over the study area. While February trends are consistently much higher than other months (2.2 and 1.4 °C/decade for MODIS and ERA5-Land, respectively), overall MODIS skin temperature products (0.7 °C/decade) generally exhibit smaller trends than ERA5-Land skin and air temperature trends (0.94 °C/decade). The results suggested that MODIS and ERA5-Land trends, which are highly consistent with observations, might replace observations in the absence of long-term station-based records.
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    Accuracy Assessment of Temperature Trends from ERA5 and ERA5-Land
    (Science of The Total Environment, 2023-01-15) Yılmaz, Meriç
    Many environmental processes and ecological systems are being affected by the warming temperatures as a result of climate change. To correctly identify and attribute the uncertainty estimates in these systems, an investigation of temperature trend signal existing in the datasets that are used to study such systems is necessary. In this study, the trend of widely used ERA5 and ERA5-Land temperature estimates between 1951 and 2020 were validated using temperature trends from ground station-based observations in Turkey. The investigation included datasets obtained over 540 stations, and the seasonality and spatio-temporal variability of the trend accuracy was also investigated. On average, the trends of observations over all stations were 0.82 °C/decade and 0.30 °C/decade for the periods 2001–2020 and 1951–2020, respectively, indicating strong evidence of climate change. When the model datasets used spatially and temporally continuous datasets, the trends identified were 0.91 °C/decade and 0.21 °C/decade over the entire Turkey for the years 2001–2020 and 1951–2020, respectively. The difference in the 70-year trends of the two estimates was attributed to the missing datasets in observations. The differences between the trends of model estimates and observations were higher for the first decade than for the last two decades, stressing the impact of improved model estimates over time. All products showed heavy seasonality, suggesting that winter trends (1.3 °C/decade on average) are much higher than the summer (0.3 °C/decade) between 2001 and 2020. The results indicated a high degree of consistency between the trends of ERA5/ERA5-Land and observations, implying they may be used as a replacement to observations.
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    Assessment of flood hazards due to overtopping and piping in Dalaman Akköprü Dam, employing both shallow water flow and diffusive wave equations
    (Natural Hazards, 2023-05-09) Yılmaz, Kutay; Darama, Yakup; Oruç, Yunus; Melek, A. Berhan
    This study was carried out to determine flood propagation using shallow water equations (SWEs) and diffusive wave equations (DWEs) to reveal how the flood modeling results differ in terms of flow depth, flow velocity, and hazard level. The solution methods were tested based on the hypothetical failure of the Dalaman Akköprü Dam resulting from two failure mechanisms: overtopping (OT) and piping (PP). A 2D hydraulic model was constructed using HEC-RAS to determine the propagation of flood waves due to the failure of the dam by the mechanisms selected. Froehlich equations were applied to predict the breaching parameters of the dam. After calibration, the hydraulic model was run to determine the possible flooding magnitude in the towns of Ortaca, Dalaman, and Dalyan. The flood arrival times, maximum flow depths, flow velocities, and hazard classes were obtained for the Dalaman, Ortaca, and Dalyan city centers, and the Dalaman International Airport from the hydraulic model results. The modeling results showed that the inundated area is similar for both the SWEs and DWEs solutions, while the flow depth and velocity results are significantly different due to the neglected convective acceleration terms of the SWEs when deriving the DWEs. Considering the modeling results, even though the DWEs provide a computational cost advantage, the reliability of the solutions should be examined against the SWEs. Hazard maps were generated for both solution methods and failure mechanisms. The results revealed that most of the settlements in the basin have H5 and H6 hazard classes with a high risk of structural damage. Therefore, the installation of early warning systems and evacuation of district centers were suggested as mitigation measures. A feasible evacuation plan for the neighborhoods, taking into account the flood arrival time of the failure scenarios, is needed.
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    Optimum Cost Prediction of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls
    (Buildings, 2023-09-22) Akış, Ebru
    Reinforced concrete cantilever retaining walls (RCCRWs) are widely used in civil engineering projects as a common type of retaining structure. The design of these structures focuses on ensuring safety against various failure scenarios and compliance with standard building code requirements. This research aims to enhance the design process of RCCRWs by developing a specific code and optimizing it through a metaheuristic-based algorithm. In this study, the cost prediction of RCCRWs is also investigated through a parametric study involving key variables such as wall height, seismic zone, backfill material properties, and backfill inclination angle. To achieve this, non-linear regression analysis is employed to establish an empirical correlation, enabling cost estimation for optimized RCCRWs. The resulting prediction equation is simple to use, requiring only limited inputs. Therefore, it can be applied during the initial stages of a project, making a valuable contribution in determining approximate costs for RCCRW projects.
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    Barriers to Undertaking Green Building Projects in Developing Countries: A Turkish Perspective
    (Buildings, 2023-03-23) AKCAY, EMRE CANER
    Green buildings (GBs) play an important role in achieving sustainable development goals. However, the implementation of green technologies in building projects has not reached the desired level in developing countries such as Turkey because of barriers stemming from country-related factors as well as factors related to design and construction. The objective of this study was to explore the barriers to undertaking GB projects in Turkey. A questionnaire survey was administered to 116 construction practitioners to analyze the criticality of barriers to GB design and construction in the Turkish construction industry. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted to evaluate the data obtained from the questionnaire survey. The findings suggest that the major barriers that hinder the adoption of GBs in Turkey are higher construction cost, lack of knowledge about GBs, lack of an authorized GB rating system, unavailability of GB materials, and inadequate market demand, whereas longer design time is the least critical barrier. The results of factor analysis indicate that the barriers to undertaking GB projects can be grouped under five “factors”, i.e., cost- and demand-related barriers, market-related barriers, people-related barriers, government-related barriers, and time-related barriers. In light of the results, policy makers and construction practitioners can devise strategies to promote GBs in Turkey, which can also be valid in other developing countries with similar socio-economic conditions.
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    Estimation of Polypropylene Concentration of Modified Bitumen Images by Using k-NN and SVM Classifiers
    (Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2013-08-03) TAPKIN, Serkan; ŞENGÖZ, Burak; ŞENGÜL, Gökhan; TOPAL, Ali; ÖZÇELİK, Erol
    The goal of this study is to design an expert system that automatically classifies the microscopic images of polypropylene fiber (PPF) modified bitumen including seven different contents of fibers. Optical microscopy was used to capture the images from thin films of polypropylene fiber modified bitumen samples at a magnification scale of 100 ×. A total of 313 images were pre-processed, and features were extracted and selected by the exhaustive search method. The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) and multiclass support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were applied to quantify the representation capacity. The k-NN and multiclass SVM classifiers reached an accuracy rate of 87% and 86%, respectively. The results suggest that the proposed expert system can successfully estimate the concentration of PPF in bitumen images with good generalization characteristics. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000353. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
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    (Atılım Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi E-Bülten, 2013-07-19) ALTINBİLEK, Doğan
    Burada size 2003 yılında, hatta 2001’de olabilir, dünya liderleri arasında OECD tarafından yapılan bir anketi gösteriyorum. Dünyadaki yöneticilere, devletlerin bakanlarına, başbakanlarına “Sizler için en önemli, büyük konular nedir?” diye sormuşlar. %93’ü suyun onlar için en büyük öncelik olduğunu söylemişler. %85’i yenilenebilir enerjiyi koymuşlar. %81’i yoksulluk, dünyada olan yoksulluğu koymuşlar. %75’i kamu sağlığı, %70 öncelikle biyolojik çeşitlilik, %69 gıda güvenliği, %54 kişisel tüketim, %50 kentsel altyapı. Doğrusu suyun en başta gelmesi beni hiç şaşırtmadı, hatta enerjinin de ikinci sıraya gelmesi şaşırtmadı. Fakat beni şaşırtan şeylerden biri şu aşağıdaki kişisel tüketim, yani dokuzuncu sıraya koymuşlar. Nitekim kişisel tüketimlerin çok fazla olması dünyayı nereye getirir, 2008’de bir malî krize getirdi ve dünya ekonomik sistemi battı. Demek ki 2002 yılında dünya liderleri insanların kazandığından çok harcadığının farkındaymış ve bu da sonunda Batı ekonomisinde ciddi bir çöküş yarattı.
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    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2013-11-22) TUNÇ, Gökhan
    Türkiye‟deki inşaat sektörünün büyük çoğunluğubetonarme yapılardan oluşmaktadır. Betonarme, beton ve donatı çeliğinin birlikte çalışma ilkesine dayalı kompozit bir malzeme olarak tariflenebilir. Bu yazıda betonarmeyi oluşturan iki bileşenden beton malzemesi üzerine yoğunlaşılacaktır. Beton; içerisinde farklı karışım oranlarında çimento, agrega ve su ihtiva eden bir yapı malzemesi türüdür. Ülkemizde üretilen yapısal beton türü, birim hacim ağırlığı 2.4 t/m3 olarak tanımlanan normal ağırlıklı betondur. Gelişmiş ülkelerde ise normal ağırlıklı betonun yanında daha hafif agregalarla oluşturulan hafif ağırlıklı beton türünün de yapısal beton olarak yaygın bir şekilde kullanıldığını görmekteyiz.
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    (Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2015-07-17) TUNÇ, Gökhan
    Bu yazıda, İnşaat Mühendisliği eğitiminden ve öğrencilerin gerçek hayata dönük uyumlarının sağlıklı hale getirilmesine engel olan problemlerden bahsedilecektir. Konunun pek çok popüler dergi, gazete ve makalelerde detaylı olarak incelendiği düşünülürse, bu yazıda önerilere ait nispeten genel bir çerçeve çizilecek ve bu çerçeve içerisinde kalınarak gerekli görülen bilgiler kısa özetler halinde okuyucuya aktarılacaktır.
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    (2015-10-23) TUNÇ, Gökhan
    Türkiye inşaat sektöründe “Tüketici” bilinci, özellikle deprem sırası ve sonrasında yapılması gerekenlere odaklanmıştır. Deprem öncesinde yapılması gerekenler konu ile ilgili teknik personelin görev kapsamına dahil edilmiş ve Tüketici’nin bu konudaki bilinçlenmesi ise yüzeysel düzeyde bırakılarak neredeyse tamamen göz ardı edilmiştir. Bu yazıda, daha bilinçli bir tüketici kitlesinin nasıl yaratılacağı, depreme dayanıklı bina kavramının ihtiyaç duyulan yeni yapılanmalarla nasıl iyileştirileceği ve güven kavramının nasıl tesis edileceği hususlarına ait görüş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Bu öneriler doğrultusunda inşaat çarkının yeniden sağlıklı olarak dönmesi için ileriye dönük hedefler belirlenmiş ve bu hedeflere nasıl ulaşılacağına dair atılması gereken adımlardan bahsedilmiştir.
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    (2015-10-23) TUNÇ, Gökhan; ÖZSARAÇ, Emrah
    Bu makale, kamu özel işbirliği (KÖİ) modeli kullanılarak Türkiye'de inşa edilen projeler üzerine yapılan çalışmanın sonuçlarını içermektedir. KÖİ modelinin uygulandığı ülkelere özgü olarak özel sorunlar içerdiği bilinen bir gerçek olup, bu sorunların Türkiye'deki gelişimine ve farklılaşmasına yazıda değinilecektir. KÖİ modeline ait konular önce mühendislik sonra da hukuki yönlerini içerecek şekilde iki ayrı kategoride ele alınacaktır. Modelin mühendislik yönü, sözleşme ve inşaat yönetimi perspektiflerinden araştırılarak incelenecektir. Çalışmanın hukuki konuları içeren kısmında ise Türkiye'ye özgü yaşanılan sorunlar ele alınacaktır. Bu kapsamda, kamu ve özel sektörü çevreleyen belirsizlikler ve sorunları vurgulamak amacıyla güncel mevzuat ve yasalar ile yönetmelikler incelenip değerlendirilecektir. Böylelikle, KÖİ modelinin Türkiye'deki gelişim süreci mercek altına alınmış olacaktır. Finansman durumu ile sözleşme ve ruhsat projeleri de KÖİ modelini oluşturan anahtar nitelikteki risk parametreleri olarak bu yazıda ele alınacaktır. Modelin, Türkiye’ye adaptasyon sürecinde yaşanan zorluklar da incelenerek tarihsel gelişimine dair bilgiler aktarılacaktır. Özellikle son yıllarda yaygın olarak kullanılan Kentsel Dönüşüm Projeleri ile KÖİ modeli arasındaki ilişkiden de bahsedilecek ve modelin Türkiye’ye adaptasyon sürecinde yaşanılanlar tartışılacaktır.