Workplace bullying, psychological distress, job performance and employee creativity: the moderating effect of psychological resilience



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The Service Industries Journal


This study tests a model exploring the direct effect of workplace bullying on employee creativity and performance using psychological distress as the mediator and psychological resilience as the moderator based on the JD-R theory. PLS-SEM was applied to analyze data collected from both employees and supervisors of 4 – and 5-star hotels. The main findings reveal that workplace bullying affects employee creativity negatively, and psychological distress positively. While psychological distress has a negative effect on employee creativity, the latter exerts a significantly positive effect on job performance. Resilience moderates the relationships between workplace bullying and employee creativity, and psychological distress and employee creativity. This study makes a significant, original contribution to the hospitality literature as it is the first to investigate the moderator role of psychological resilience on employee creativity and performance in reaction to bullying behavior.


Published by The Service Industries Journal,, Elham Anasori, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, North Cyprus, Glauco De Vita Faculty of Business and Law, Coventry UK, Kemal Gürkan Küçükergin Atilim University, Gölbaşı/Ankara, Türkiye.


Workplace bullying, psychological distress, employee creativity, job performance, resilience
