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    (2023-01-26) TUFAN, Mehtap; TOKER, Sacip
    Trust plays an important role in human life nearly in every area and it is an affecting factor in people’s lives. With the technological innovation, it also gained importance in online environments. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of demographic characteristics, especially age, gender, civil status, education level, city size and being expatriate on digital trust. Also, this study is purposed to explore the relationship between personality which is measured by using Ten Item Personality Inventory and level of digital trust. e-Trust Survey is used to measure the level of digital trust and it includes ten components under three levels which are technology, people, and process. In this study, 5329 participants from 36 different countries filled out the online questionnaire. 2189 of them female, 2670 of them male and 470 of them described themselves as LGBT-Q. Munzel-Bruner analysis which is non-parametric alternative of MANOVA was conducted on the components of digital trust across each demographic information. Results revealed that age, gender, civil status, education level, city size and being expatriate are affecting factors on digital trust. Additionally, Spearman’s correlation coefficient revealed that five personality dimensions were correlated with digital trust.
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    (2014-10-06) TOPALOĞLU, Eda; ÇAĞILTAY, Nergiz
    By improving technology, serious game is widely used by several areas such as defense, science, exploration, health care, emergency management, military management, city planning, engineering, religion and politics. However, development and design of these serious games is more important than playing them. Therefore, in order to create successful serious games, involving domain experts and end-users into the development process is important and necessary. During the development process, communication among those people is a very critical factor to better design and development of the game features according to the expected outcomes. In this study, UML Activity Diagram (UML-AD) is analyzed to represent the scenario flow of a serious game and document the serious game design. Additionally, for the design of serious game, an extension of UML-AD, named as UML-Activity Diagram Extended (UML-ADE), is proposed. The main purpose of the UML-ADE model is to improve the level of understandability of the UML-ADE with both the domain-experts, technicians and end-users. Therefore, the understandability level of the proposed UML-ADE model by technicians is investigated, evaluated experimentally. Results of this study show that the understandability level of proposed UML-ADE model is significantly higher than that of UML-AD.
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    (2015-01-30) GÜNEY, Sinem; ÇAĞILTAY, Nergiz
    Serious games and simulations today are providing several benefits for areas such as education, training, health, military as well as commercial systems. However, the borderline between these environments is not very clear in literature. This information is important for designing more appropriate instructional systems according to the variations on learners’ behaviours and their expectations. Our main assumption is that, depending on their experience levels, knowledge levels and individual differences, learners may behave differently on simulation or game based educational systems. Then, as a part of neurosurgery Education Project (ECE), a simulation environment was developed in two versions by applying a gamification approach and simulation. Afterwards, an experimental study was conducted to better understand the effect of gamification on beginners of such an education program. The results of this study indicate that the success rates of the participants for performing assigned tasks in both versions of the application did not change significantly. On the other hand, the gamification group has spent significantly more time for performing the assigned tasks by rarely referring to the navigation feedback. This consequence is evidence showing that the participants’ behaviours have differed in simulation and game-based environments. The results of this study is expected to provide innovative perspectives to the instructional system designers for improving possible benefits of simulations and games in different fields and user groups.
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    (2015-07-26) ÇOŞKUN, Rengin; MISHRA, Deepti
    In this thesis, it is proposed a new approach using both manual and automated testing for MBT. The goal is to find successful test cases. Many different research papers are studied and UML sequence diagram examples of these research papers as a model are used in this thesis. Two new algorithms are written for manual testing. It is designed a new tree technique using depth first search path algorithm to find test path. It is written a new java junit testing code to find test paths automatically in automated testing. It is used same operation for both manual and automated testing and also, it is examined these two methods with same sequence diagram examples. However, effective results are not achieved because of determination of same results and errors in automated testing. Therefore, automated testing (java junit testing) code is improved using different methods. It is compared manual, improved automated method and research papers methods using same examples. Finally, it is obtained more successful test paths and test cases from the improved automated testing method according to the manual and research papers testing methods.
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    (2017-01-07) AL-ZUBAIDI, Waleed; KOYUNCU, Murat; information technology
    Counting people in images is a challenging task in the computer vison. This thesis targets to estimate the number of people in images accurately. Our focus is on implementing a robust counting algorithm that depends on different approaches together to detect humans having different appearances in images. Three different approaches are taken as the base of the proposed people counting method. These approaches are frontal face detection, human whole body detection, and people head detection. The main contribution of this thesis is using different approaches together for counting people in still images. We have done that by using Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection, the HOG features and SVM classifier for human body detection, and Hough transform and morphological image processing for head detection in crowded images. Any image is processed by three detectors in parallel and detected people are counted. Then, their results are combined for a final decision. The proposed method is implemented in the C++ language with the help of the OpenCV image processing library. The proposed method is tested and compared with some other approaches. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves more successful results compared to other approaches when test dataset includes various image categories.
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    (2017-01-07) Alaisawi, Salem Khalifa Mohamed; Şengül, Gökhan
    Many studies and researches were conducted in the field of face recognition in order to get the best accuracy to attain and provide superior results. However, these studies achieved disparate results in terms of performance and accuracy, thus making it necessary to conduct studies that compare face recognition algorithms and emerge with results that demonstrate which of these algorithms give the best results. This study aims to compare three face recognition method, namely Principle Component Analysis (PCA), Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF), and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). This comparison was tested on four images databases ORL, YALE, FEI, and FERET. The experimental results of this study showed that PCA outperformed the other two methods SURF and GLCM when tested on ORL, YALE, FEI, and FERET databases. The results of GLCM were less accurate and showed low performance as compared to the rest.
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    (2017-01-04) Özden, Ahmet Yarkın; ERTÜRK, Korhan Levent
    Mobile-learning advancements provides varied options into traditional learning in Universities. Mobile applications that been used for game-like learning in Universities provides powerful e-learning tools for students. In some research shows that, some courses might require a interactive way of communication to make courses more efficiently and keep success rate at high in courses. To be able to consider these essentials those applications should be developed with considering the point of view of the students and the instructors. However, there is limited number of research focusing on development of mobile learning application for university undergraduate context. In this thesis develop an Android mobile application by using Unity 3D software platform as a tool in order to discuss and study on e-learning activities in bachelor‘s and master‘s theses at the Atilim University, and to make recommendations for students who are currently studying or will be studied in course ISE 102 which is called Introduction to Management Information Systems. The current study aims to answer questions about what non-functional requirements of m-learning enviornments might be and how evaluation will be accomplished while studying in m-learning environment for universities undergraduate courses. In addition to that, seeking an answer for viability of applications in universites undergraduate program. For further improvement and necessery data collection an application evaluation testing with purposeful sampling made by ten participants. Addtionally referred model introduction and phases that included in methodology were explained. Research results show that, non-functional requirements for m-learning environments show great importance. Application's modifiability feature among in non-functional requirements might be resultant option for an application. Be able to adjust the contents for different course materials will provide circumstances that will benefical for implementing these application into universities undergraduate courses. In addition to that, scalability as a non-functional requirement can be considered as a essential improvement for an application. According to needs for students and instructors, the content can be scaled up or down. Due to evaluation of this application for this study is a relative subject, students perspective and point of view must be taking into consideration in order to measure the application level. Not only students, however also instructors of these courses perspective, feedbacks should be taken into considertation as a future work.
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    (2017-04-02) ALZEYADI, Haider
    Detection of forbidden objects in x-ray scan images has become an important issue for customs border and airport security. Most border screening depends on the manual detection of possible forbidden objects by human experts. In this thesis, we present a system for detection of possible forbidden objects in x-ray scan images with minimal amounts of missing object (false negatives) and false alarms (false positives). Firstly, pre-processing steps are applied to obtain a clearer image. Then, segmentation is used to locate the potential objects in images. Feature extraction with two algorithms, local binary pattern and histogram oriented gradients, and classification with support vector machine are next steps in the system. The system is tested using handguns as the forbidden objects in question. The experimental results show that the system can effectively detect the handguns in x-ray scan images with minimal amounts of missing objects automatically.
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    (2017-05-02) Jaballa, Rabieaa Abdusalam Massaud; Eryılmaz, Meltem
    The styles of learning are personal traits that affect how students relate with their learning environment, peers, and instructor. Four of the most popular are reading / writing, visual, auditory and kinetic, which used by students to gain information. Number of students is visual learners, while others are kinesthetic or audio or read /write learners. While some other students use a combination all of them to gain information, they seem to have preferences in how to learn better. Teachers must teach as more of these preferences as possible, in order to assist students learn. Teachers can put together these learning styles into core curriculum activities so that students can succeed in their classes. This study shows some parts of development framework to identify students learning styles and combination it automatically. This system is based on VARK learning style model and VARK questionnaire to measure students’ learning styles, it is hosting by internet to help students to use it. This study has used a sample of participants that consisted of 50 of engineering students from Atilim University. In addition, this study contain, an experimental design with a pre-post test Control group was utilized. Accordingly analysis of the data, the results show that distribution for t-test for two groups (Control group and Experimental group) was normality distribution and it was determined that the difference in mean scores between the Experimental group and the Control group was significantly in help of the Experimental group and the achievement level in the Experimental group, which applied the VARK teaching model, was higher compared to the Control group. In addition, student satisfaction questionnaire instrument, 10-items that measure students’ satisfaction by using the system, as the results found that students’ satisfaction with the system was significant very high.
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    (2017-05-02) Zarroug, Seham; Ertürk, Korhan Levent
    Social media marketing presents new changes in the consumer buying behavior to wards purchasing of brand product or service. The utilization of the social media has become most important and an effective tool that perceived to improve the consumer decision making, increase trust and awareness as well as more satisfaction for brand’s profit and market sales growth. The main purpose of the research is to analyze how social media marketing tool has an impact on the consumer purchase decision mak ing process, how social media improve the customer trust and awareness about brand products or services. A research methodology was based on descriptive statistical approach (questionnaire) in which total 202 participants’ responses from people from Libya who are actively engaged with social media and buying products or services. The findings of the present study is indicating that social media marketing have a positive impact on the consumer buying behavior, awareness, trust, communication and improve the pro ductivity of sales growth respectively and there are some factors can affect customer buying decisions through social media.
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    (2017-06-02) Alsubaihawi, Mohammed Abdulraheem Taqi; BOSTAN, Atila
    Fingerprint identification and verification tasks are among the most challenging tasks in image processing and machine learning domains. Fingerprint processing presents a key issue in the biometric technologies and information security. According to the fraction of the people population based on the complete detection of the biometric fingerprint feature such as ridge structure, incomplete (portion) fingerprint image identification and verification task is very difficult to be accomplished. The main challenge in this problem is that the partial loss of the ridge structure in the incomplete fingerprint image. In this thesis, we studied the effectiveness of global feature approach in fingerprint identification and verification task that can deal with the partial image loss or incomplete fingerprint image. Global feature vector extraction is the main global approach that we contribute in this thesis. In this case, we implemented global geometrics based feature extraction for fingerprint identification and verification task. A set of global features (seven-moment values) were extracted from the partial fingerprint (incomplete fingerprint image). The study shows that global feature vector can more efficiently deal with incomplete fingerprint recognition problem when compared with the classical approach to the fingerprint identification and verification problem which is based on extracting minutia features from the fingerprint rides as well as the pores in different feature extraction levels. The studied system has been tested using a database that was randomly generated out of some random incomplete fingerprint images. Randomly generated incomplete fingerprint images were sorted into 10 groups according to the size of the missing part in each image. Then we randomly selected random images from each group to compose a new challenge dataset to be tested in two different approaches which are global, and Local feature extraction approaches. The experimental results show that global approach has about 87% while the local approach has 17% of identification and verification effectiveness. This means global approach improves the performance of the fingerprint identification and verification system on partial (incomplete) fingerprint images by 70% more than the classical approach.
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    (2017-06-02) Bderi,Haithem ABD Esharf; Mishra, Alok
    The cyberspace is expanding faster than ever and with it cyber threats are also increasing making it imperative to have a strong cyber-security policy. Cyber-attacks don‘t only affect individual users and organization but can also cause national security issues. The different policies of different countries make it possible for hackers and intruders to carry cyber-attack while making it impossible for authorities to trace back offenders. It is important to develop a comprehensive Cyber-security policy to address all kinds of cyber threats so that every offender can be traced back and penalized accordingly. This research work examines and compares different attributes of cyber-security policies of selected countries. This research work identifies some important attributes which can help to develop an all-inclusive cyber security policy.
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    (2022-03-01) Awlad Karaim, Nuha; İnal, Yavuz
    E-government applications may have benefits for the elderly or people with disabilities in terms of providing them with more effective, efficient and satisfactory services. However, for these citizens to get maximum benefits from government services through e-government applications, usability and accessibility criteria should be met. Despite the recent huge increase in the number of government websites, the poor usability and accessibility characteristics of these websites result in a failure to fulfill citizens’ needs and expectations. The aim of this study was to evaluate usability and accessibility of Libyan government websites. Usability evaluation was conducted by recruiting 32 end users with heuristics and accessibility evaluation was performed using automated testing tools. To this end, a total of 10 government websites in Libya were analyzed according to the criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and one of them was selected for further analysis based on usability criteria. Results of the study showed that Management of Scholarships website had significant number of usability problems. Visibility of system status, user control and freedom, and user help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors were the most violated heuristic items. All Libyan government websites did not pass accessibility evaluation, except Management of Scholarships, for AChecker tool, but they all failed in TAW tool. Providing text alternatives for each non-text elements was the most frequently violated success criteria for Libyan government websites.
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    (2022-03-01) ALAZZOUMI, HUDA.S.H.; ERTÜRK, Korhan Levent
    Libyan Management of Scholarships website is one of the mostly used websites nowadays by the Libyan students who they are studying outside of the country. This study intended to evaluate this professional website by taking the evidence from 113 Libyan students who they are utilizing this website recently. This survey also provides the evaluation of the responses throughout their attitude, perspective and the website performance and students difficulties about using this website. Results of the study shoed that the website of Libyan Management of Scholarships needs some improvement from tracking the procedures and services it provides. This study introduces to the Libyan Ministry of Higher Education to seek out to improve the infrastructure that needed by the website interfaces such as slow the internet and supports the website and the transactions of this website must be observed. In addition, the result of this study can be taken for consideration to moving forward to improve Libyan government infrastructure and improve this website to motivate all Libyan students to study outside Libya to increase their qualification skills.
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    (2022-02-25) HAQAF, Husam; KOYUNCU, Murat
    Information Security Management (ISM) is a necessity for all institutions and enterprises that consider their information as valuable assets. Therefore, developing, auditing and managing information security is dependent on professional talent that could achieve the required information security governance. The research seeks the key skills for information security managers that are required to maintain competency in the domain, as well as methods to acquire these skills through professional certifications. The study adopts a Delphi method, which requires building a set of items through a literature survey and involves experts with minimum expertise to modify the list until a consensus on less than 20% of the items is reached. After performing a literature survey of the Information Security’s standards, frameworks and studies, in addition to a data collection round by the experts, a total of 82 skills under 5 categories were compiled. The results of the study shortlisted 19.51% of the items with minimum mean score of 3.25 on a 7-point Likert scale through relevance and ranking rounds, as recommended by studies on the Delphi method. Moreover, 43.75% of the final items are core information security skills, and certifications including CISSP, CISA and CISM are recommended to acquire them.
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    (2022-02-25) Rashed, Alaa Hussain Rashed; Karakaya, Ziya; Yazıcı, Ali
    Big Data and Cloud computing are the most important technologies that give the opportunity for SMEs and government agencies to gain a competitive advantage and improve their organizations. Big Data implementation requires investing a significant amount of money in hardware, software, and workforce. Cloud computing, on the hand, offers an unlimited, scalable and on-demand pool of resources which provide the ability to adopt Big Data technology without wasting on the financial resources of the organization and make the implementation of Big Data faster and easier. The aim of this study is to conduct a systematic literature review in order to identify the benefits and challenges of Big Data on Cloud for SMEs and government agencies and to make a clear understanding of how combining Big Data and Cloud Computing help to overcome some of these challenges. The last objective of this study is to identify the solutions for the challenges of Big Data. Four research questions were designed to determine the information that is related to the objectives of this study. Data is collected using literature review method and the results are deduced from literature.
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    Factors Affecting Trust in B2C E-Commerce: A Case Study on Foreigners Residing in Turkey from Middle East and North Africa Region
    (2022-02-25) ALSWIAY, SALAHEDDIN ALI NASERE; Çağıltay, Nergiz Ercil
    E-services are a real revolution at present as they have contributed to time savings and speeding transactions in addition to transferring business from traditional to electronic. E-commerce crosses borders and makes possible the completion of purchases from thousands of miles away. In other words, buying and selling products and services online is possible through e-commerce services, with all transactions being performed electronically, without actual contact between the customer and merchant. However, the quality of these services is critical for the improvement and success of e-commerce. Certainty and confidence in e-commerce should be essentials factor to improve trust. A combination of self-regulation, technology, and legislation should be adopted by enacting similar regulations and regulations applied in the traditional trade to protect consumers and identify related consumer obligations. Trust is a critical factor in developing relationships between online merchants and customers. Faith is also necessary to close the gap between the developments in information systems and people’s understanding of their socio economic impacts (such as an information system’s perceived effect on customer confidence). This study reviews the results of previous confidence studies from a social, economic and technological perspectives and it sets a comprehensive model for maintaining trust in online transactions to identify ways to increase trust. For a better understanding of trust in e-commerce, we prepared a questionnaire and sent it to foreign people living in Turkey. The study relied on the answers to the questions about the correlation between the factors affecting trust and whether there was an impact on the direction of the market and also whether there was a statistical significance between the demographic variables of the questionnaire respondents. The SPSS application was used to analyze the data collected. The results showed that the factors that directly affected confidence in B2C include market orientation, perceived security, technological doctrine, and relational excellence. Therefore, we needed to develop a comprehensive model that explained the interaction between the factors that affected trust in e-commerce. Trust e-commerce consists of four dimensions, namely ability, goodness, integrity, and predictability. Moreover, based on our results there is a need to improve security features and privacy issues, which can be carried out by updating the previously proposed model to address B2C confidence factors in e-commerce.
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    (2022-02-25) ALGHOUL, Haifa; KOYUNCU, Murat
    Today's people cannot bear a life without the Internet. It provides access to many things like news, email, shopping, and entertainment, at anytime and anywhere. Governments around the world have adopted the Internet as a channel to introduce their information and services to citizens, businesses and other government sectors. The government websites work as an interface between the government and the citizens. E-government applications utilizes web technology for making information accessible online to as many people as possible regardless of their disabilities. Accessibility is essential for governments that want to create high quality websites and web tools, and not exclude citizens from using their services. This thesis investigates the status of current government websites in Libya in terms of accessibility, which is one of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) criteria to develop high quality web sites. It tries to find out whether e-government websites comply with the guidelines developed by W3C. In this study, several web diagnostic tools are used for investigation. Several suggestions are offered based on the results of the research.
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    (2022-02-17) Osman, Magdah; Çağıltay, Nergiz Ercil
    Electronic health records may have several benefits for hospitals, health professionals as well as patients. Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems provide basic clinical data that increase the quality of healthcare provided to citizens and benefits the community. The aim of this study is to evaluate and estimate the healthcare providers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the use of EHR in their environments in Libya. A sample of 110 health sector participants from various medical specialties in Libyan hospitals was targeted. The purpose of this research was to determine the perceptions and attitudes of Libyan healthcare providers towards EHR usage, by analyzing their demographics, organizational characteristics and the social, technical factors that possibly affect the EHR usage. Accordingly, survey method based on the previous studies is implemented through Survey Monkey environment; after the data collection was completed SPSS was used for statistical analysis, the results of the research lead to EHR factors Management support, Involvement and Adequate training have positive correlations with healthcare provider’s perceptions and Attitudes, while Autonomy and healthcare provider-patient communication have negative correlations with healthcare provider’s perceptions and had significant strong positive correlations with Attitude.
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    (2022-02-16) Elbarki, Ali Ibrahim; Toker, Sacip; Ertürk, Korhan L.
    This study is aimed to explore factors influencing customers’ online behaviors and their attitudes in E-commerce transactions in Libya focusing on differences between citizens living inside and outside Libya. The questionnaire was applied in this study depending on previous studies. The study targeted the Libyan citizens in Libya and abroad by sending the link of the questionnaire in the social media and pages of the Libyan communities abroad. The interaction was positive where 274 were responders in 24 days, some of the responses we consider outliers have been deleted so that we got a total of 249 respondents. The study examined the behavior of customers online with a focus on the barriers to the adoption of E-commerce, the cultural aspect and customer attitudes. The study concluded that differences between consumers of E-commerce in Libya and abroad and most negative indicators in who live in Libya. In general, Libyan consumers see E-commerce transaction not easy to learn. Also, although they believe the security level of the network is not easily invaded, they believe that there is a risk in dealing with E-commerce transactions. Besides, the consumers residing in Libya are less trust and more fearful for their personal information more than consumers residing abroad, On the other side, those who residing abroad believe for risk of identity theft more than who live in Libya. Therefore, we need to enhance all the factors and attitudes that have been negatively scored on residents within Libya. For example, suitable infrastructure, improve the online banking services, the increase of knowledge, overcome the difficulties and raise the level of confidence of consumers towards E commerce.